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Sweden VS......:)

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74 comments, last by Jewelaye 24 years, 3 months ago
Just reminding, my old post was partly a joke. Personally I like Nokias cellphones much more than ericsons, but this is more like a joke between Finnish VS Swedish
No real offense

And I think that when comes to Swedish mobilephone culture, you are not far away from finnish counterpart, but if I''m right, we still have more cellphone users when compared to population ? Am I right ?

Still, Sweden is cool place... but I HATE Swedish language when they teach it in schools, because somehow they manage to get most annoying teatchers and really annoying "sweden language" tapes, that don''t sound swedish at all... Blah...

A cool country, nice language, hot babes and not that good cellular phones (my opinion as an owner of an Ericsson mobile).

What i really don''t understand is why on earth they teach us swedish in schools here in Finland. When ya try to talk to swedes using their language, they don''t understand you. And i was really good in swedish, according to teachers here in Finland, so i should know my swedish. I''ve narrowed the reason for this not-understanding to 2 possible reasons:

1. We finns really can''t swedish. At all.
2. Swedes do understand what we''re saying to them
but they also can see that we''re finns, so they
pretend that they don''t understand.

I''d like to point out that Nokia also didn''t only do mobile phones at first, but has evolved to be a communications company. There''s no use making rubber boots or TVs that no one buys when mobile communication solutions sell like hell these days. If i remember correctly, Nokia started to work with mobile communications in the 80s. They''ve come a long way since then and others have a lot of catching up to do.

And in the end of this post there''s a little message for all of you who have an old mobile or don''t have one at all...

... Buy a mobile made by Benefon :p
Before anyone feels insulted all material in this post is not meant in any way seriously.

Stereotype of swedes (coming from some swedish band... the Cardigans I think...):

sex, bourbon, and suicide

The only swedish I know:

björnar bör bajsa!!!!!!!!!!

I got that from a swedish friends homepage which someone messed up: http://pages.hotbot.com/games/polarbeer/index.html

But seriously...
The Emerald Isle rules (Ireland that is)
And Finland is pretty cool too...
So''s switzerland... =)

btw... I''m 1/2 Irish, 3/8 Finnish and 1/8 Swiss... that would explain my oppinnions =)

This time I really am being serious:
Sweden is a pretty cool country and is technologically above most european / american countrys... I''d say though Finland has more claims to the computer Insdustry then Sweden does... Linus Torvalds ring a bell?

As far as mobiles go, last time I heard Finland was still chugging along at a fair pace ahead... maybe someday someone will catch up.

As far as Ireland goes they don''t have many technological marvels... but they gave us U2, Therapy?, and the Cranberries! =)

Emm... switzerland... dunno much about them.... well trained army (reputedly best trained) and a bunch of mercenaries =)


About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
Svensk musik suger inte! Här finns fullt med begåvningar (Thåström, hint hint. Imperiet är ju bara så bra ). Alla kanske inte är så värst kända, visst. Men varför skulle utländsk musik vara bättre? Charta 77, DLK, Ebba...fan va mycket bra skit det finns i vårt vackra land .

Visst är thåström skitbra + alla gamla band han deltagit i men nu menade ju jag majoriteten av musiken, det är ju knappast att man ser skymten en Thåström video på TV(lär vi nog aldrig se heller med dom grymma principer den killen har. Tyckte det var starkt av honom att inte gå på Grammisen)
Charta 77 - Lilla björn va väl kul men det var nog allt.
DLK - nja...
Dom du listade e förövrigt gamla dvs inget nytt.
Lyssnar själv dock helhjärtat på Nirvana, The Ramones, Sex Pistols å Black Flag (kolla in Henry Rollins band <- Ja bandet heter så.)
Nån som hatar dessa punk/hårdrocks wannabees som Korn, Limp Bizkit osv?? JAG!!!!!

From the deep forrests of Småland(*Tinyland?*), Sweden
I have two things to say:
What''s the point of this thread?
And nobody''s impressed by you swedish guys being able to speak swedish
- ---- Geradian

"I must say that *ler* sounds silly. Couldn''t you say *flinar* or something? BTW I have noticed that it is mostly girls who says *ler*. "

*smiles* LOL** Oki everyone who dont nudr stand what *ler* means; it means the same as *smiles*
the problem is that females says *ler* ist that it sounds so masculin to say * HEHeheheh*
Its not silly when males says *ler* (by my oppinion)
Anyone who think something else?

The idea of this topic? Finns and Swedes are unloading their deepest feelings from each other. Try stand... ;-)

Hey, knock it off, start speaking english, you don''t own this small world, althought is suddenly started to seem so in your view.

Time comes, time goes and I only am.
We don''t own the world (yet) but we own this thread! Muahahaha...

But I agree, people should start to speak English here.

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
As an American it is strange for me to see people from other countries "duking it out" amongst themselves. I''m way more used to people saying that their country is better than the US and that the US sucks (like what is going on in some other thread-the French Nuclear Tests one).

Nothing really to say, just an observation.
BTW, I''m over half Norwegian. From a couple generations ago of course. What do Swedes and Finns think of Norway?

Norway...? ermm.. they suck :p
no but actually I dont have so much trouble with nowegians Only that they kick our asses in winter olympics and stuff like that

Martin Björklund
Diemonex Games

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