DevBlog Post #2 (Galactic Boogaloo) -- October 27, 2017

Published August 29, 2024

galactic denizens!

The month of October has come and gone, and busy one it was! Time for an update.

80-V1 Walker

Raygun Gadabout: Battling 80-V1 Walkers

Calcium enriched plasma beams, good for your bones.

Finished up the creation of a new enemy the fearsome 80-V1 Walkers. They have a fixed pattern and will fire where you were located when they finish targeting. Very intimidating to fight in groups, especially surrounded.

Raygun Gadabout: 80-V1 concept art

When you hear the cowbell ring. Run!

“Level 05”

Raygun Gadabout: Concept art for "Level 05"

an orbiting castle? How’d it get here?

This is a concept for the unnamed “Level 05”. Finished a bunch of tiles and decors for the hallway area, had fun making particle effects of the candles. This is basically a castle that was on the surface of the nearby planet that somehow ended up in orbit.

Dodge Roll


Try rolling, that’s a good trick!

Made a new move with corresponding animation. The Dodge Roll uses up energy but grants you invulnerability frames.

Raygun Gadabout: Roll Behind

Keep on rollin’

It’s useful for getting in melee range of an enemy or even getting behind them.

Galactic Map

Raygun Gadabout: Work in Progress Galactic Map

Space… the final frontier.

Artsy Stuff

Started trying to pretty up the Galactic Map, has some basic art and a parallax effect. You can engage warp speed to travel between planets faster (Comes with a still basic star field warp effect). The lack of any map or defining features makes it pretty easy to get lost, some means of aiding navigation will have to come at a future date.

Who loves the clip art spaceship pulled from Google Images?

Added a parallax effect. Hooray depth!

Functional Stuff

Previously you could just fly off to infinity, scary stuff! Added an effect that slows you down and eventual pulls you back if you fly too far from the center of the star system. Each star system is it’s own discrete area that you travel to. Worm holes? Warp Drive?

Bunch of New Art

Adding lots of decorations to “Level 01”, filling it out.

Raygun Gadabout: Decors Before


Raygun Gadabout: After new decors


Sound Effects Controller

Built a a sound effects controller for the player and the enemies. Using it to randomize which sounds play, change volumes etc. Setup barks. Exciting stuff eh? Eventually would like to organize it better, have the volume for the sound under the soundclip array, but it works for now.

Raygun Gadabout: Enemy Sound Controller

Snazzy new Sound Controller Thingy

And Much Much More

Here’s a bunch of other stuff that probably doesn’t warrant lots of explanation.

  • Switched some enemies to use Circle Gizmos for detection instead of raycasts, that way they can still detect the player if she’s not directly in front of them

  • Add storage containers (Treasure Chests)

  • Added “currency” to the game

  • Enemies can drop “currency”

  • Make orbit/location check static to avoid problems with switching scenes

  • Added lots of new sound effects and temporary music

  • Created environmental hazards that toggle on/off (Could be used for jets of fire or laser beam gates)

  • Added new destructible objects (Blowing up the level decors yay!)

  • rejigged the Player’s animation controller for the millionth time. Mechanim is a pain in the …

  • Fix various scene loading bugs related to inventory/loot when switching scenes

  • Change shield control to R-Trigger instead of R-shoulder (still getting used to this :O)

  • Fixed Rakaman, he was broken, has new AI.

  • Greyboxing levels

  • Bunch and bunch o’ bug fixes

  • Various arts

That’s All For Now

Thanks for making it this far. Going forward the plan is for either monthly or bi-monthly updates. At some future point I’d like to post about the major design goals set out in the game.

Good day and keep watching the skies,


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