DevBlog Post #3 (More Art Stuff) -- December 2nd, 2017

Published August 29, 2024

Hello Interwebs,

November has come and gone, time for another update!

New Level Artwork

Created a bunch of new level artwork this month, here’s some of it.

Ragun Gadabout: Cave Artwork

Green and slimy, just how we like it!

Raygun Gadabout: Neon City Lights

So much neon the side of your head will explode

Raygun Gadabout: Space Pirate Ship

A space pirate ship. aaarr matey!

Updates to Dialogue System

Made some updates to the Dialogue System to make it more robust and less breaky. Also been working on the overall Cutscene System.

On the art side, been trying out some different styles for word bubbles. Still not completely sold on this version, still a work in progress. Added some letterbox bars for cutscenes.

Raygun Gadabout: November Dialogue Art

The pen is mightier than the sword, except in a sword fight

Player Damage and Death Effects

Created a new effect when you take damage, there is no mistaking it. There’s also a new death animation, the screen also goes black because why not.

Raygun Gadabout: new damage effect

The Potamo brings the hurt

Add Tutorial Level

Started building a tutorial Level on board a space pirate ship, some of the art is visible in the New Level Artwork section at the top of the blog post. Below is a quick concept of an enemy you will face there. The Eviscerator!

Raygun Gadabout: EV-8R

EV-8R Hostile Pacification Automaton aka The Eviscerator!

New UI for Energy Bar

Updated the art for the energy bar, it’s got a little cute lightning bolt and everything. It also flashes white when it’s full, so does the player, and she emits some pretty sparkly particles and a sound effect in case there was any doubt.

Raygun Gadabout: New Energy Bar

New energy bar, never leave home without it

Other Stuff

  • Created new art for credits (money)

  • Enemies now spawn credits when you kill them, make it rain!

  • Coded the basics for Space Cadet’s anit-grav boots

  • Re-added keyboard controls

  • Improved the Music Manager (more robust, less breaky!)

  • Enemies decelerate when changing direction

  • Squashed a bunch of bugs

  • Added some art here and there

In Closing

Thanks making it this far and hope to see you next month!



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