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galactic denizens!
The month of October has come and gone, and busy one it was! Time for an update.
80-V1 WalkerCalcium enriched plasma beams, good for your bones.
Finished up the creation of a new enemy the fearsome 80-V1 Walkers. They have a fixed pattern and will fire where you were located when …
What would a metroidvania-type game be without a mini-map? This was actually pretty interesting to do. it’s one of those things I had been putting off for a while now as I was kind of nervous about how or even if I was able to pull it off yet.
She’s not much to look at yet, but she’s got it…
Hello internets,
January was an exciting month. Raygun Gadabout was accepted as one of the games to be shown at the Montreal Demo Night 2018. This was both incredibly exciting and terrifying at the same time. For the first time the game would be seen in front a large group of people, many of …
Wow. Hard to believe another year has gone by! So long 2018! I’m hoping that 2019 will be an exciting and prosperous year for everyone!
What have I been up to this month? Glad you asked! Here we GO!
New PlatformingThis month I’ve been grey-boxing a bunch. Created these spike p…