Toy on a Mission UE4 Remix - Day 167

Published April 30, 2016

Hello again, And welcome to this week's Journal entry.

UE4.11 with Intel Embree does seam to be a lot faster building lightmaps (just like Epic said).
Removing one of the 4GiB RAM sticks seams to have solved the BSoD issue, I should probably do a soak test to make sure.

Stuff done this week:

  • [100%] Finish "Create a C++ (base) class to handle the CubeKey gameplay event handling"
  • [50%] Sit down and finalise: Jump distances, Overall (story) goal,
  • [50%] Tweak the physics of the player (angular damping, max angular velocity, terminal velocity)
  • Started overhauling the lerp platform Actor.
  • [25%] Experiment with a "full 3D" Cube centred level with TPS contols
  • [100%] Uploading at least one new screenshot showing something new

    Next week's plan:

    • Cleanup the existing 3 levels.
    • Experiment with using the TPS control's for a level.
    • Focus on gameplay.

Here is a screenshot of the BoxTree's placed by a procedural foliage spawner

That's all for now, Thank's for reading.

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