Week of Awesome V - Day 2

Published August 08, 2017

End of day two for me.

Today has been good.
I have the enemy that can have either a knife or gun and will attack the player with it.

I am almost finished doing the first level.
I have 5 levels planed, and may add more.

Things completed today:
    hip Aim offset to point to mouse
    Ironsight Aim offset to point to mouse
    Add laser pointer when targeting
    Use mouse X axis to change rotation like moving left/right
    Turn to face player on gun attack
    Get closer to player if out of gun range

    Give gun
    Attack with melee
    Attack with gun
    Make melee damage player
    Stop fireing at player if out of range
    Allow frogmen to pass through each other
    Make killable
    Fire at player
    Fire tracers in direction of player
    Add small purple light to knife

    EnvArray - HISM array of selected static mesh

        Damage actor on trace
        Add weapon fire beam PS
        Auto fire option
        Laser pointer sometimes does not show

I have been using "ToDoList" by AbstractSpoon to track things to do with my projects.

Things to do tomorrow:
    Finish first level
    Start second level
    Make the player weapon consume ammo
    Add a main menu
    Make the enemies target the player when the player damages them
    Look around for some sounds to use
    Upload a new screenshot


Thats all for now.

1 likes 2 comments



Sounds like quite a bit of progress in a couple days :)

August 08, 2017 10:12 PM
9 hours ago, slicer4ever said:

Sounds like quite a bit of progress in a couple days :)

Yip, And that is mostly thanks to using a engine that does most of the heavy lifting for you

August 09, 2017 07:43 AM
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