Toy on a Mission UE4 Remix - Day 160

Published April 22, 2016

Hello again, And welcome to this week's Journal entry.

Stuff done this week:

  • [25%] Finish the movement test map (It is to test all the moves that the player can due to make sure that something has not gotten broken)
  • [75%] Finish "Create a C++ (base) class to handle the CubeKey gameplay event handling"
  • [25%] Sit down and finalise: Jump distances, Overall (story) goal
  • [100%] [SpawnVolume] Move the legacy parts into there own catagory, And make the percent spawned chance work in the [0,1] interval instead of [0,100], And added a auto spawn chance (options) when none is provided.
  • [100%] [UI] Show a list of playable levels for the player to select from.
  • [15%] Experiment with a "full 3D" Cube centred level with TPS contols

    UE4 stuff:
    The 4.11 branch compiles fine for the first ~450 steps before a couple C1001's happen, I need to see how I can investigate this.
    Upgrading from 4.10.2 to 4.11.2 causes all Actors in a level to generate a warning about externally referenced asset(s).
    The solution was to delete the "saved" folder before the upgrade like was done on older versions.

Next weeks plan:

  • Finish everything from last week except the roving drainer ball (I need to look at some AI tutorial's first)
  • Tweak the physics of the player (angular damping, max angular velocity, terminal velocity)
  • Finish the custom image filtering tool.

    That's all for now, Thanks for reading.

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