"The Week of Awesome II" Day 5

Published September 26, 2014
Greeting's and salutations smile.png

So today I have managed to integrate Bullet physics into the game( and my code basebiggrin.png ).
So I have the player as a ball that roll's around on the heightmap.

Tomorrows plan:

  • Add some collision planes on the z axis to stop you from going off course (too much).
  • Add some obsticals: Squares, Balls, Wall.
  • Get jumping back in( You can practically fly around the map ).
  • Add some more variance to the textures.

    Some other stuff todo:

    • Get level loading reintegrated.
    • GUI.
    • Audio.
    • Tutorial popups.

      I plan on the player having a battery that powers the ball, And all actions( jumping, rolling ) require some amount of power.
      The only way to regain power is to wait for the power level to recharge or to go past a recharge station.

      So here is what the game currently looks like:

      That's all for now smile.png
6 likes 6 comments



That's a lot of colors. I'm getting a bit dizzy!

Love how the trees erect from the ground, looks odd and cool.

September 26, 2014 08:13 PM

looks like a fun trip! LMAO :)

September 26, 2014 08:45 PM
Servant of the Lord

Rather psychedelic. :lol:

September 26, 2014 08:47 PM

That ball has been soaking on the beach way too long! looking good!

September 26, 2014 10:59 PM

Thanks guys!

That's a lot of colors. I'm getting a bit dizzy!

Love how the trees erect from the ground, looks odd and cool.

Should I use darker colours for the non important stuff?

September 27, 2014 09:41 AM

This looks both cool and trippy! :D

September 27, 2014 03:13 PM
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