"The Week of Awesome II" Day 4

Published September 25, 2014
Hello everyone smile.png

I have not been able to get much done today( Thanks to my custom "broken" mesh compiler angry.png , It will only work for simple shapes or one object, Strange... ).

But I have managed to get started on the integration of the Bullet physics library as i decided I will need to use it in order to get some real progress( I was going to integrate it at some time, But now is as good as any ).

So i have a proof of concept ball moving with bullet physics.

Tomorrow's plan:

  • Get the Bullet heightmap collision shape working with my terrain chunks( that have overlaps dry.png ).
  • Add some obsticals to bounce/roll off.

    I will probably have to change my intended story-gameplay thingy.
    I have been thinking of having some form of "Toy-drops" like the marines from Warhammer 40K and then those toy's get up and start attacking you...
    Or they could just be zombies.
    Or why not have a mish-mash of every thing rolleyes.gif

    So progress has been slow today, But I am confident that it will get better, hopefully...

    I am quite happy with what I have done over the last ~1 Hr: The initial integration of the Bullet physics engine woot woot biggrin.png
    That's all for now.

    Here is the mesh I was going to use for the player:
    So, what do you guys think of it ?
    If I can get my mesh compiler working for it I will definetly use it.
4 likes 3 comments


congrats on getting the physics integrated=-)
September 25, 2014 09:17 PM

Anything you can show this far?

September 26, 2014 03:41 AM

congrats on getting the physics integrated=-)

Thank you!

Anything you can show this far?

Right now it's the same as the last screen shot, I need to work on some textures and models...

But i will edit the post and attach the mesh that i intended to use.

September 26, 2014 05:10 AM
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