"The Week of Awesome II" Day 3

Published September 24, 2014
Hello everybody smile.png

I've managed to make some progress with the level loading and some background object handing.
I've got a setup where i can have a list of objects be randomly placed in the level with a random scale and rotation.

But I've run into a problem with my mesh converter, It seams to not put all the vertex data into the stream and that appears to cause the player mesh i had to only render the head.
Some GPU debugging is where I got to that conclusion along with looking at the binary output of the mesh convert, The vertex data is created with a default value of 0x7F and that was cropping up in the vertex data alot and the GPU debugger only shows the head of the mesh getting into the render pipeline.
It could just be a case of the other objects not getting inserted into the file, I do not know what the problem is yet.

Hopefully that will be my last major problem so that i can get back on track.

I may have to cut back on alot of what i planned to do, So i may just make it a avoid those blocks and collect those ones type game.

So this is a screen capture of what the world will look like, Tho i probab;y will have to tone down the squares and add some other shapes in as well.
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This reminds me of Dali high on pastels - looking forward to see where this goes.

September 26, 2014 03:32 PM

This reminds me of Dali high on pastels - looking forward to see where this goes.


Now that i have bullet integrated I will be able to spend some time working on the level(s) and artwork.

Just need to try out some of the other collision shapes and then see about changing some of the physics properties like: friction, bounceines, And getting the forward direction.

So progress is going to improve alot now that I have bullet working as that handles alot of the difficulties I was facing.

September 26, 2014 04:23 PM
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