"The Week of Awesome II" Day 2

Published September 23, 2014
Hello all.

Progress update:
I have the basic setup of the game going, A little behind schedule...

Day 3:

  • I plan on getting a play controller setup and working.
  • Add some default enemies to battle.
  • Fix my matrix rotation math so that the objects don't get squwerd when they are rotated.
  • Game states( Menu, Idle, Playing Etc )
  • Basic AABB collision detection.

    I spent about 1 hour debugging why my objects were turning into "knives" aimed at the camera, Turns out that i was uploading garbage to the GPU.

    Progress has been slow, And i think i need to step up my game because other people are showing some pretty good results so far.

    I am going to try a pixel art look with 3D objects as you can see from the screen shot(the terrain).

    Right now i am going towards a Mario style game(beat the bad guy's rescue the princess...), But that will probably change as i nail down the goal.
    I am working on the player being an "Action" figure with keyframed mesh animations.
    Unfortunetly i don't think I am going to get Bullet physics integrated for this( as i did not manage to play around with it last week ), So I'll try to get as much done so that i cant work with Bullet.

    Thats all for now.

    Here is what i have so far(The tree was just a conveniant model):
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Hmm, that pixel art might be hard to get right, but I for one will really be looking forward to this (pixel art with depth!)

September 24, 2014 03:36 AM

Hmm, that pixel art might be hard to get right, but I for one will really be looking forward to this (pixel art with depth!)

Yeah, it probable will require some more thought into how to get it to look right, But it is something I want to go into deeper after the competition(Along with a bucket of other stuff to develop further or add into the engine afterwards due to how useful they are).

I'm trying to capture the look and feel of old school style arcade games with this, And it should be fun :)

Hopefully i will be able to get the terrain heightmap better suited to a sidescroller(adding a flat strip where you walk) some objects setup on the terrain and some interaction and GUI.

September 24, 2014 10:50 AM
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