So, let's get caught up. Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 11/8 - 11/24
Stop by to say hello and welcome to new authors desdemian, molehill mountaineer, madpoet0204, UncleVlad29, Elandar21 and nerdboy64!
Project Updates
- RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus has some new screens and video of the decal system in action, splattering blood as NPCs duke it out arena-style
- Beals Software - Programmer16 catches up on Indie Spotlight mentions, showcases a weekly update video blog and has some overall updates on the status and direction of various current projects. Also, the weekly journal updates will be going away, to be replaced with unscheduled posts with more developer-oriented content
- Chronicles of the Hieroglyph - Jason Z is working out details for his next Hieroglyph engine and talks about why he's putting a lot of consideration into reference vs. value semantics when declaring variables for your game objects
- Merry Prankster Games - gdunbar has a new screenshot of his soon-to-be-announced-but-not-yet-announced SENG project
- Tech: Arena - coderx75 has a new video of his project that allows players to build vehicles from various components and then compete against each other
- Undead Castle Dev Journal - afliii swings by to let us all know about the project's IndieDB profile
- Ramblings of a partialy sane programmer - blewisjr reveals information about the project he's started called Orbis, described as "Asteroids with a twist". He also talks about the development environment and tools for the project so far
- DMD 'Ware - polyfrag has begun to add the ability to place doors in his world editor, but the future of the project is now uncertain as he ponders his decision to make games
- /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts has put in a ton of work on Goblinson Crusoe these past two weeks so be sure to check out his main journal listing for more, but here's a cool gameplay video to start off with
- slayemin's Journal - slayemin contemplates his current work schedule and realizes he needs to make some changes to be more productive, also discusses some new design thoughts for his project
- Keeping up with yesterday - a_insomniac returns from a 2-year hiatus, which means plenty of new tech to learn about. He's decided that Cocos2d-x looks interesting as it offers him a chance at mobile development he wasn't so eager to take on 2 years ago
- Orange Chair Software Development - Navyman makes a comeback as well, although he's only been gone for the past three months. He's got news on Portas Aurora and a new spinoff game as well
- Overview Journal - Numenor is also back after a year's absence with some new information and backstory essays on Zothaar
- The coming Onslaught - Aspirer announces the beta release of his basic learning-oriented Unity3D shooter Onslaught, featuring endless waves of enemies to defeat until you are overwhelmed
Game Dev Stuffs- Disciple of Jonato - CRYP7IK has a list of engines/editors that he uses to get inspiration for his own engine project Toasty. Some you may have heard of - some you may not have
- Richards Software Ramblings - ericrrichards22 continues to share his various tutorials on DX11 with C++ and SlimDX
- Squared'D's Journal - Squared'D explains why he's chosen PhysX in the second installment of his series covering the various middleware he is using for his project
- Squared'D's Journal - Squared'D has a video explaining how he implemented attaching models to his game entities and also has additional links to help with various ways to tackle this topic
- Radical Tales - Radikalizm stops by to update us on his experience so far working as a game developer in Vancouver, an intern position he got when he decided "why the heck not" to apply for one while he happened to visit a friend over there on a trip from his home country of Belgium
- Mippy's Beehive - mippy has a very comprehensive listing of various HTML5 development discussions and resources out there on the webs
- Journal of EDI - EDI has had his thoughts and opinions on the state of the indie games industry for a while and has finally put them down into words. Join the already thought-provoking discussion...
- Booleans spiffy development journal - boolean has the results of his second PR experiment, where he played around with press releases
- Disciple of Jonato - CRYP7IK has a list of engines/editors that he uses to get inspiration for his own engine project Toasty. Some you may have heard of - some you may not have
Seems like this is the week of returns. 3 people returning from an array of different hiatus lengths.