Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published July 19, 2014
Here are your entries from 7/12 - 7/19

Welcome back, SIC Games and Mak!
Project Updates

  • GoCatGo's Development Journal - GoCatGo has a new image showing off the changes to the post-process effect being used to set the atmosphere for his horror/adventure project
  • The Beginnings of Kingdom Dawn - sck8000 is guilty of a little click bait but he's just happy to showcase some nice sprite work by a fellow GDnet member for his 2D adventure RPG project
  • Ramblings of a partialy sane programmer - blewisjr finds and exploits some useful features of the latest Java release and also recommends an IDE
  • Magic Pixels - joew has two posts this week, one covering the process of working around the issue of name conflict with their title, the other looking at the evolution of some game assets over the course of the project's development
  • Grand Strategy: Space War - Orymus3 has a full update on how the player will "flow" through the game, or work through menus and gameplay. He also has a video showing some flow from the main menu through a battle
  • DMD 'Ware - polyfrag takes a stab at writing up an entry that details the economic modeling in his project
  • Daath Galaxy Devlog - BlackLodgeGames invites you to check out the new art that exemplifies their final asset specs
  • newtechnology's Journal - newtechnology has released the source code for his FPS Unity3D project
  • Avengers UTD Chronicles - AvengerDr has a rendering sample video for his project that shows how he's trying to re-capture the sci-fi graphics feel of the 60's-80's style, with wire frames and 2D vectors
  • Jordan Bonser's Indie Dev Journal - JordanBonser has more progress to report on his 3D engine along with a short video of the initial level editor

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • delagames' Journal - delagames found out the hard way that working with OpenGL ES 2 shader related code in Emscripten, it's important to call glBindAttributeLocation(...) before actually linking the shader
    • Lotuz - Life with indie games - Arthur Souza invites you to check out a game he made with RPGMaker back when he was a teen
    • Bidimensional Dreams - dejaime has a new comprehensive tutorial for Love2D that covers animated sprites and has its own video as well
    • Code Snippets - Shippou provides a workaround for a bug that's been... bothering him (I resisted) with regards to Eclipse Indigo
    • Richards Software Ramblings - ericrrichards22 is working on code to create a Voronoi diagram from a set of random points and along the way came across the Cohen-Sutherland line-clipping algorithm, which he used to clip lines within a rectangle
    • evolutional.co.uk - evolutional goes over some examples of how people code and is starting a discussion on various coding styles
    • Joe Gilliver - Black Shuck Audio Journal - Joe - Ocular Audio shows some of the ways he was able to smooth out and otherwise modulate the normal sound of the harpsichord to fit within the aural theme of the game project the music was for
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