Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published November 09, 2013
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 11/1 - 11/8

Hello and welcome to new author Aspirer!

Project Updates

  • Ramblings of a partialy sane programmer - blewisjr has decided to hop back into game development. He's looking for suggestions on tools and libraries when it comes to targeting the Windows 8 Mobile platform
  • BGBTech: The Status Update - BGB shows off a video of his procedurally generated dungeons, which he explores using his new rocket shovel weapon
  • /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts spent some more time on Goblinson Crusoe this week, working on the character model and in-game interface
  • Disciple of Jonato - CRYP7IK explains his choice of wxWidgets for his Toasty engine's editor GUI
  • Journal of EDI - EDI is back after his autumn development break, refreshed and continuing work on Revel Immortal, with some realizations from his time off

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Once a Bird - Demosthenes takes the leap, quitting his full time job and relying on his savings to focus on kick starting his game dev career.
    • Undead Castle Dev Journal - afliii explains why he can be called an indie developer and what starting small can do for the future success of an indie team
    • Richards Software Ramblings - ericrrichards22 covers SSAO using SlimDX and DX11, based in part off code from Frank Luna's book Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct3D 11.0
    • D Bits - Aldacron details his D tip for using Scope statements in proper scope
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