Hello and welcome to new authors michauz, Dumont and reenigne!
Project Updates
- RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus has some in-game footage of wisps, at night no less
- Mippy's Beehive - mippy gives and overview on the development of his entry into the PUTT contest
- Misadventures in Game Making - pixeltasim has a new engine and game to talk about and also shares his book recommendation for SFML
- Disciple of Jonato - CRYP7IK's latest update has a video link to check out his C++ engine Toasty and also includes a link to the demo
- 2d Game Creation - JD_Rushing, still working on his GUI, gets a bit of a wrench thrown into his workflow in the form of hardware issues
- Night Lone's Journal - Night Lone swings by to briefly update on his successful implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm
- /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts has been busy busy with Goblinson Crusoe every day this past week, so stop by and get caught up
- Big Boss TV - Rottz has migrated the beta program for BBTV over to Google Play
Game Dev Stuffs- Richards Software Ramblings - ericrrichards22 tackles shadow mapping with DX11 and SlimDX, based in part off Frank Luna's book Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct3D 11.0
- Mippy's Beehive - mippy shares his design thoughts after getting to play the original Pong game
- Squared'D's Journal - Squared'D is taking each of the main libraries and middleware he's using in his game and detailing the what how and why in regards to his use of it, starting with DirectX
- Booleans spiffy development journal - boolean has the results for his first marketing experiment in various ways to announce your game to the world
- Leadwerks Developer Blog - Josh Klint updates on the progress of Leadwerks 3.1 and talk about the Steam Dev Days event
Other Stuffs- Squared'D's Journal - Squared'D teaches English in South Korea and gave his classes a sentence to start with and had each student add another to create a story. He posted the results
- Squared'D's Journal - Squared'D teaches English in South Korea and gave his classes a sentence to start with and had each student add another to create a story. He posted the results
- Richards Software Ramblings - ericrrichards22 tackles shadow mapping with DX11 and SlimDX, based in part off Frank Luna's book Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct3D 11.0
Thanks again! love this post.