Weekly Sitrep

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 18, 2009
No IGF interviews this week

I had to push back the first round of IGF interviews (see schedule above) to early next week because I only have 4 completed interviews and I need at least 5. There are a whopping 22 finalists this year so I need at least 5-6 per batch to publish in 4 separate features. This saddens me, although I know everyone's busy polishing for GDC, because I was really hoping to get up Tale of Tale's interview responses ASAP because they're so awesome. In fact, I simply have to share one with you now because I can't wait:
Q: What's one thing you did wrong that you feel could have been avoided?

We forgot to add gameplay. And the avatar moves way too slowly. We should have added the ability for the avatar to jump. Then we could have used the graves as platforms and allowed the player to jump from one to the next. When you would have reached the highest grave, your cane would be upgraded to a butterfly net which could then be used to catch the birds. If you catch 10 birds, the birds would be upgraded into eagles that you could jump one to fly through The Graveyard. This would unlock the multiplayer part of the game in which every player plays an old lady who flies around on an eagle above the cemetery. They would use their butterfly nets to push each other off of the eagle. If you fall and you aim for the bench, you get to try again. But if you miss the bench, your corpse is immediately covered by a grave and you have to force quit the game and reinstall it if you want to play again. To make all of this more exciting, there would not be a quicksave function.

If you're not laughing yet, then I suggest you go watch the trailer for The Graveyard... which also is the entire "game". The rest of their answers are similarly sarcastic and over-the-top [smile].

Next week, promise!

Audio excerpts from the GDNet books

We've closed the deal with Industry Broadcast and John and I will be supplying them with audio excerpts from all the original material included in the 5 GDNet books. Well, I'll be reading all the material from my books, John has agreed to at least do his original article.

Obviously the other articles can all be previewed online, even though some have received substantial updates.

We'll let you know once IB starts airing them so you can listen in.

New Resources

  • PC-Lint - Stefan reviews Gimpel Software's static code analyzer, made famous by its "bug of the month" ads.

  • The Music of LittleBigPlanet - Audio Designer at Media Molecule, Kenneth details what went into crafting the music for LittleBigPlanet
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The Graveyard is so Epic! I would of laughed so hard seeing a pitbull chase her down at the end. Yes I know, I'm evil. ;)
February 18, 2009 09:42 PM
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