Weekly Sitrep

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 25, 2009
Bye bye February, hello March!

New GDNet books released this week

The Business and Production book finally has siblings!

Rock on - the next two books in the 4-book GDNet Collection series are being released this week. The first, Design and Content Creation, weighs in at 627 pages and the second, Beginning Game Programming, weighs in at 514 pages. This is a ton of great material all bound up in one volume each, so I hope plenty of you are taking advantage of it! The last and final book, Advanced Game Programming is due out on March 17th.

GDNet book audio excerpts now online at Industry Broadcast

So these books are by and large made up of articles that you can already find online here at GDNet. A good number of them have been updated to various degrees, from simply compiling a series into a single chapter to simple updating of code to meet new standards, to almost full re-writes. But there are also a number of original pieces in these books that you can't find online here at GDNet, and John and I (and maybe some authors) will be reading excerpts from these original book chapters for you to get a taste of.

The first excerpt is from me reading my article in the Business and Production book called Basic Team Building and Management. You can download these from Industry Broadcast, along with others that are released over the coming weeks and months. To view all the GDNet audio excerpts, use this link.

New Resources

  • IGF 09 Interviews: Part 1 - We talk to the developers from the IGF finalist games "The Graveyard", "Cletus Clay", "You Have To Burn The Rope" and "Zeno Clash" to get their insight into game development and learn more about their entries into the IGF

  • Creating Fire in a Particle Editor - Learn the basics of creating fire effects and working with particles using the editor Magic Particles

New Events
0 likes 3 comments


Cool. Haven't gotten my copies yet. Hopefully tomorrow.
February 25, 2009 08:20 PM
I better recommend the Design and Content Creation book to a friend of mine. It's great that you guys are bringing out these books! They will help a lot of people get started.
February 25, 2009 10:58 PM
New books just arrived, but I'm too tired to look at 'em.
February 26, 2009 06:29 PM
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