Howdy folks. Busy week so far, unlike last week where I was pretty much worthless while adjusting to my new work/sleep schedule. Still not on it 100% but at least it's manageable now. Oh man, where to begin?
IGC - Oct 10-11
Well first, I booked my flight out to Eugene, OR tonight so I could attend and cover the IndieGamesCon being hosted by GarageGames. I've been wanting to get out to this convention since its inception a few years ago - I was all set to go last year only to learn they wouldn't have one - d'oh! If anyone else is going to be in attendance from around here let me know, I'd be happy to include anything you want to write up about in my coverage, which will be similar to Kelly Murdock's Siggraph coverage and Emmanuel Deloget's upcoming GCDC coverage.
GCDC Coverage
Speaking of the GCDC coverage, it was supposed to be up today. Actually it was supposed to be up Monday. But, with Richard finally being able to work on the server, things have kind of fallen behind schedule. I need Richard's help in getting this coverage online because of the audio streaming involved. Now that the server has been taken care of (for the moment) hopefully we can get this coverage posted by the end of the week. 10 pages (really more like 20 if you stick em in a Word doc) of session coverage goodness. I was impressed. You should be too. Stay tuned.
New Article Links
In case you didn't notice, I added some new links to the Resources section:
How To Pitch Your Game
Hello World in Genetic Algorithms
Peculiarities of the Development of 64-bit Applications
Application port to 64-bit platforms
Driver Development for Windows 64-bit
Problems of testing 64-bit applications
MMO Design Guidelines
If I post any external links, or host any new articles (only exclusive or newly-released articles are shown on the main page) you'll see 'em listed in the Latest Articles box on the right of the Resources page. Plus I'll always feature them here as well.
GDNet on Wikipedia
So I never thought to look on Wikipedia to see if we had our own entry - turns out that we do. I guess I should have thought to look for it sooner, but I'm not much of a Wikipedia guy to begin with - I usually only end up there when Google takes me there. Don't expect any serious editing on it anytime soon, though it has reminded us that we really (really really) need to update our About Us page.
A little email trick
Picked this tip up on Lifehacker today. I implemented it no problem in Outlook 2003 - the only thing I noticed is that if you actually look in the outbox folder, it doesn't seem to auto-send any mail that's in there - even after you go to view a different folder. A little annoying but still useful in the long run. I've had a small handful of occasions where this would have been handy to have.
Transformers fans anyone??
My pal Rich Grillotti from PixelJam is putting his huge Transformers collection up for sale on eBay to help fund his game development needs. How's that for sacrifice? If you're a fan with some dough or know someone who is, pass the link along - and hurry! Auction ends in 3 days.
'Till next time...
Ninja vanish!!
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