Time for something new

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 06, 2007
This week was the start of fall classes at the gymnastics school where I coach. I'm also in the process of adjusting my schedule to wake up every weekday morning at 11am (instead of like, 1 or 2pm :P). Because of this, I've been rather off kilter since Tuesday and haven't done anything substantial this week. I'll be settled in with my new work schedule by Monday though, so expect some cool updates next week for both GDNet and GI.

In the meantime, check out the latest addition to my firearms family [smile]

It's the black pistol at the bottom, a Walther P99QA 9mm. Up left is my Crosman pellet gun, and to the right is a Walther P22 .22 pistol. It took 5 months for the gun range I ordered the P99 from to get one from their distributor. Luckily, it took my police station 3 months to get my handgun purchase permit signed and into my hands. Which is rather ironic. I was stressing out about the police not signing my damn permit (which usually takes like 2-3 weeks) where if they had gotten it back to me on time, it would have expired before my gun came in and I would have had to renew it. Funny how things work out eh?

It's pretty much like a big brother to my P22. When I first fired the P22 I thought it had some serious kick and would tell people I would shoot it and it would go POW! POW! POW!. After shooting 50 rounds through my P99 tho (I had shot 9mm before but not as much) and then firing the P22 right after, I've downgraded it to POP! POP! POP! whereas the P99 goes BANG! BANG! BANG!. [lol]

Of course my friend's Desert Eagle .50 goes BABOOM! BABOOM! BABOOM! [grin]

And just to fill in the gap I would classify a .45 as BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Here you can see the gun with the dry fire round inserted so I don't damage the firing pin when I play around with it. Okay, "play around" isn't the best way to put it, you never "play" when handling a firearm - but when I take it out and wear it in my shoulder harness as I work on the computer or watch a movie with lotsa guns in it (I don't have problems, I swear) it's always nice to be able to fire it at the screen and kill the bad guys. Or the bad code.


In other non-related news, I took my phone in the pool with me Monday by accident. It was submerged for a good 10-15 minutes before I realized it was still in my swimsuit pocket. I took off the back cover, removed the battery and SIM card and left it propped open (it's a RAZR) on my windowsill for two days. I just got a new one today for $100 with a $50 mail-in rebate so that's as much as a new battery would have cost me, which is what I was going to get because when I plugged it into the wall it turned on and worked! So I was able to copy all my numbers to my SIM card and transfer them to my new phone. Even better, I was able to get all my pictures off as well since I have a Bluetooth hub for my Logitech mouse and keyboard.

So if you ever have a phone that takes a drink, don't despair!! I'm going to keep this one around to use as back-up now instead of my dinosaur Motorola clamshell. Sweet.

Well, that's all for now folks. Everyone have a great weekend!
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...I've been rather off kilter since Tuesday... In the meantime, check out the latest addition to my firearms family.

I'm scared.
September 07, 2007 08:10 AM
Note to self: Don't piss off the staff :)
September 07, 2007 08:33 AM
Yes, I am the GDNet Hitman. Don't screw around on the forums or the Mods may dispatch me to find you.

You have been warned [grin]

have a nice day

@jpetrie - I honestly didn't realize how funny (or scary) that sentence was until you quoted it. Hahahahahaha
September 10, 2007 09:10 PM
lol, here in my country we can't even HAVE guns, and you get pist of because some week or 2 :D
September 23, 2007 04:41 AM
December 08, 2007 09:28 AM
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