From the Executive Producer's Desk

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 18, 2007
AGDC coverage postponed

First off, if you were looking for AGDC coverage today (as per the schedule) then I'm afraid I have some bad news. It's been postponed for the moment. I have no idea when it will be ready to publish so I removed it from the calendar entirely. We're still having trouble getting images uploaded, and I seem to have somehow lost touch with our 5 volunteer reporters at the conference. Though we have some coverage from The Hattenator, and one reporter did post one (rather detailed) session write-up, it's far from what I was hoping to present. If I can't determine the fate of our volunteer group, I'll compile what we have into an article like GCDC and Siggraph for posting rather than using our GDC coverage interface. Stay tuned, and please accept my apologies.

Don't keep ideas to yourselves

So I was talking to a rather prominent game designer today via email. I won't name names but he's been around here before offering invaluable advice. He wanted some ideas for writing an article to publish here on GDNet. I didn't have any offhand so I cruised over to the Article Proposals and Requests forum to see what I could dig up. Well, not much in the way of design there. Lotsa programming stuff, but even that's was rather sparse and out-dated.

If you have an article that you would like to see published here on GDnet, then please post it in this forum. It may be a while before you see it here, but it's only a few minutes of your time that could come in handy to someone in the future. And if it's too late to help you it can always help other people. The more specific you are in describing your article however, the more likely it is that someone will come along and write about it. I'll be referencing many people looking to write articles here in the future, so get to it!

New article links

Several new articles added to the Resources section:

Basic Collision Detection and Response
Grid-Based Collision Detection and Raycasting
Rules for Parallel Programming for Multicore

Thanks to Kazgoroth (now known as jbadams) for the first two and jollyjeffers for the third. If you have any links you want added to the Resources database, email or PM me.

A full event calendar

Thanks to Gamasutra and some digging of my own, our event calendar is bursting at the seams with new event listings, so check it out. If you have an event coming up, even if it's just a small local get-together, or know of one coming up that isn't listed, either use the email link provided at the bottom of the event page or email/PM me.

Okay I guess that's it for now. I mainly wanted to stop by to inform everyone on the status of the AGDC coverage. Again, we hope to have something up ASAP. I'll most likely be posting again later this week.
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We have an event calendar?!? Where would one find this in the site navigation? I'm unable to locate it in either the dropdown or sidebar menus on the front page, which needless to say is a bit of a design flaw.

Furthermore, what's the deal with the site heirachy as shown through the urls (I'm aware this may or may not match the actual directory heirachy):
  • Is there anything else in the 'directory' category with the event calender, and if not do we really need that category to exist? Why does the page still lack the breadcrumb navigation that was added with the no-longer-so-new design?

  • The dictionary strikes me as a reference, but it gets its own top level place in the heirachy.

  • Why is the GDNet+ signup stuff in it's own /subscribe/ section rather than part of /community/. Again, no breadcrumb is present.

  • Why is the books section apparently within the columns section; it's certainly not a column and isn't linked from that page, I'd say it's probably more a child of reference, or it's own section - the breadcrumb is present for this one but makes it it's own section of the site.

  • There's a /profile/ section for the member profiles search? Perhaps another potential item for directory, or something that may fit within /community/?

Erm, I'm gonna stop complaining about the site heirachy now, this is probably more an issue for Richard than for you and probably isn't of high importance, it strikes me just mousing over some of the site's prominent links that the apparent site heirachy is a bit of a mess though.

//EDIT: Just found something else in the /directory/ section - the game jobs; this seems reasonable except for the fact that the actual Game Jobs page from which a user would typically locate these has it's own /gamejobs/ section which is not a child of /directory/.
//EDIT2: or /directory/careers/ and /gamejobs/ are actually the same thing.
September 18, 2007 09:47 AM
Original post by jbadams
We have an event calendar?!? Where would one find this in the site navigation? I'm unable to locate it in either the dropdown or sidebar menus on the front page, which needless to say is a bit of a design flaw.

Yea, I dunno why it was never put there. It's only visible on the left sidebar of the main page. Beats me. You'll notice too perhaps that the Workshops link under Community in the drop down menus us not present on the sidebar menus either. I've been bugging Richard for weeks to add that.

And yea you'll have to talk to Richard about the directories - pointless anyways though since that's not something that we would consider fixing right now
September 18, 2007 11:10 AM
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