

Started by March 12, 2000 06:19 PM
45 comments, last by Akura 24 years, 6 months ago
I got really scared by the two messages above! People who think they can use and not misuse drug are the greatest losers of all!

Ok, this IS a game development discussion forum, but I think it''s good that this was posted. Sometimes your only friends are your friends on the internet.

Akura! Hang on buddy! It''s not hopeless! There is a lot of things you can do. Even if she is doing drugs, it don''t have to mean that Life is over. Isn''t there a druginformationauthorit or something like that in your country? Talk to them (you can be anonymous), they know what to do when your friends are doing drugs. If you want you can mail me.

Try not to give up!
Thanks for all the reply, really, all.

Please don''t make this a I do Drugs Im cool, or You do drugs you''re stupid, please, that is the last thing I need.

chris: about what drugs it was, I don''t know, just the she bought it to a local junky (if I ever find out who he is).

fuzzy: what I meant is that I''m going to say goodbye to you guys because it was late (1AM) and I would like to try to sleep a little.

Its now 8AM, I haven''t slept, I cried all night, I started kicking and punching the walls and now my foot and knuckels are all opened. I can''t do nothing. Have a stupid important exam today, I don''t think I can do anything !

I never plan to give up ! NEVER ! this was the girl that "saved" me when I was in a worst situation, really worst. It was to this girl I promissed to stop drinking, and it was because of her I didnt. I love ehr more than I love my own life (she IS just a friend) and I can''t help felling it was my fault, that I wasn''t there when she needed me. It was my fault, I let her down.

CodePlay... This is a GameDev forum, GDNet lounge was created for this sort of posts, and thus, I have ppl here I know for more than a year now ! People I trust, people I like very much. I posted this message in a public board because sometimes it concerns us all, I didn''t ask "what should I do?" but i thank you for all suggestions and support, I do.

And even if if cannibis, it''s still a drug, it is still bad for yout health, and you can''t say its OK because it isn''t!

Please, believe me ! I want to help her and Ill do my best, but I ask youi from the bottom of my heart, try to help the ones that need and dont ask for help ! PLEASE.

Ok, 8.15 AM, I''m going to phone her, need to talk to her.

Thanks all
It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.

It is a good thing that she told you - it means she must trust you. All I can say is try to help her. You should talk with her and see if you can find out why she is using. There may be something worrying her, or she might just be compelled to do it.

I am not writing this to insult the other posters, but please don''t encourage this behaviour. I have friends who have dropped out of life because of drugs, and I also know people who have overdosed. It was not "nice" for their friends, and I think worse for their families. I think some people can handle these substances better than others (due to their metabolism) and I plead with those users, don''t make it seem trivial to other people, as if it is something you can just pick up and put down again. Some people CAN do just that, but there are others whose bodies just can''t handle drugs (or even alcohol for that matter). It is not fair that their deaths are ignored or treated as freak incidents.

Akura, you sounded so upset. I can assure you I felt the same way when some of my friends told me the same thing when we were in high school. I guess it is not very reassuring but only your friend can deal with this, or get over this if that is what she chooses. You can help if that is what she wants.

Many people do use drugs occasionally just for fun, and not because they have any type of problems going on in their lives. Akura: if I were you, I would look for the root of what is causing her to be depressed, and try to help her through it instead of blaming it on the fact that she has started smoking marijuana(or whatever drug she used). I believe that marijuana has far less negative effects than those of alcohol, and many people can have an occasional drink and then go on with the rest of their lives, but if you are worried that she is becoming addicted to something, be it drugs(including alcohol), cigarettes, food, video games, ect., and it starts to have a negative effect on her normal everyday life, then you should talk to her about it. She might listen to you, and she might not. Sometimes people just have to learn through experience.

Edited by - BlkSabb on 3/13/00 2:47:05 AM
Hello everyone,

I''m glad everyone on this post has put away the flamethrowers now, that was getting stressfull.

I think what you ought to do Akura is find out what she''s taking, if it''s just pot then I think you have to take stress councelling or something (don''t mean to take the piss, sorry, you obviously don''t need that just now). Even if it is something a little stronger, chances are she''ll live through it if she''s using it in moderation. Talk to her, find out, if there is a problem, what it is, and how you might be able to help.

I totally agree with that last post from BlkSabb BTW.

BTW: I know this sounds pretty heartless, but you''re not helping her by getting yourself a nervous breakdown. Calm down a bit and take some positive action instead.
Also, don''t go beating anyone up (dealer or otherwise), you''ll get stuck in jail for GBH, or beaten up yourself, and you''ll make your friend feel really bad about what''s going on, if she does take drugs because she''s stressed out with stuff, this will probably make her want to take more.

Note also that some people take drugs "Just for a laugh", in the same way that people drink alcohol, taking drugs isn''t as bad as a lot of people will have you believe, there might not be any problem at all, and your friend will probably be fine. I enjoy the odd spliff now and then, and I find that being able to get some proper de-stressed R&R every now and then really helps my programming.

If she does take drugs because she''s pissed off with life, the chances are she''ll start taking more, and stronger drugs. If this is the case you''ve got to tackle the underlying (did I spell that right?) problem.

Sorry if any of this offends anyone, it wasn''t meant to.


"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
The best advice comes from TV:
Drugs are bad, m''kay.

Despite what many people may believe, all drugs are addictive. If fact, anything and everything can be addictive. Before you jump on my back, let me explain.

When most people think of addictions, they think "physical." When, in fact, most of the addiction is physcological. Sure, smoking pot may not be physically addicting (I don''t know this for sure), but like anything else, people can become physcologically dependent on it.

Note that this doesn''t just relate to drugs. Like I said, anything can become addicting. How many people are addicted to television? Can you tell me this is a physical addiction? Are the invisible rays coming out of the tv making them coming back for more? Hmm... perhaps it''s the subliminal messages inside the commercials

Anyway, my point is don''t take the risk just because you''ve heard that something isn''t addicting. That non-addiction may just destroy your life.

I'm really sorry, Akura. At first, I was not going to read this post because it was not related to game development, but I see that you are really serious. I too, have suffered the terror of seeing a friend(or in my case, family member
)turn to drugs.

As for the topic at hand, drugs, I don't have much to say. All I really can say is that drugs suck. They make your life even worse than it is (if it's bad, anyway). And if your life isn't bad, don't take drugs and make it bad.

I'm sure all those people who do do drugs reading these posts are saying "BULLSH**!", but that's only because you may enjoy them(drugs). Well, you may enjoy them now, but they will start to take affect after a while. You won't enjoy the reactions.

I just want to echo on what Akura said: "Drugs suck, stay away from them"

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London

Edited by - psychoprog on 3/13/00 2:14:08 PM
The only time i ever did any drugs was when i was in disney world 2 years ago.

We smoked pot, and went on a rampage through the park (Mommy mommy! why are those big kids jumping up and down on the ''its a small world'' ride?!).

Funnest time of my life, but i would never do it again. dunno why. I guess i''m afraid of getting addicted?

plus i don''t need a criminal record

"Tell brave deeds of war."
Then they recounted tales, -- "There were stern stands And bitter runs for glory."

Ah, I think there were braver deeds.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.

Drugs are just not good for you. Yes I have done them (very moderately over a 2 year period) and I think I would have a happier life without them (stopped doing them over two years ago). How do you know that drugs have not effected you behavior or life YOUR DOING THEM, HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHILE YOUR DOING THEM?! Think about it.... Have you missed a opportunity, or forgotten to do something? I agree many people (myself included) can do drugs without getting addicted. It is a fact of life, some people can handle it and some can''t. And no, nothing bad happened to me when I got high, I acutally had a very good time (shrooms and NOS, ugh I don''t like pot at all made my eyeballs itch), but I think that I really didn''t need the experiance. But for the original poster...Does your friend drink?? Honestly if she has a couple of beers, it is just as bad as smoking a joint. It''s all a mentality thing. If you find your self looking foward to getting buzzed or getting high this weekend then you might need to look at why. I agree everybody needs to unwind, I read, somepeople watch TV others drink or smoke pot or something worse or something better. I can''t condemn people for doing drugs becuase how do I know for a FACT that they would be better off without them. The only person who can answer that question is themselves. Say you got your perfect job becuase you smoked out with someon who had connections; then doing drugs helped you. Or you got ratted out by some fool who get caught by the cops (happened to a good friend), I bet he wished he never saw a bong!!

well I''ve ranted enough. good day to you all
Job description : Duct Tape
HI really sorry! i nearly started to cry!
hate drugs! and the problems that cames with drugs!!!
Its the same with alcohol...(tastes good =)...) but dont like the consequences of drinking too much!
My uncle is an alcoholic and dont have to much left of life...he can die tomorrow or in a week perheps if hes a month ...Probably next year...tha doctors said that he wouldnt reach his 30;th annaversary but now hes 40 and still living in a hell....
I think that he uses drugs too (did).....
Nowadays he only drinks 4 bottles a day........
Gotta go now!


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