Wooo, this is freaky.
I really hope never to take drugs. Really. The things people and my parents say really get to me. DONT TAKE DRUGS! Well I''ll admit it I''m only twelve but, damn, this is a good enough place to start (not taking drugs).
Well, Ill go straight to the point:
I have smoked weed in the past. Yes, drugs are bad and I a havent smoked pot in about a year and im just fine today. So not *ALL* drugs twist you up and destroy your brain. Just dont goble up everything your teacher sez: he probably tried pot too
At least my English Teacher admitted it
Anyway just my point of view.
BTW: So called "experts" on drugs probably only tried experiments with Coke and other strong drugs and just assumed that pot was as bad as those drugs. Oh and FYI the
so called "Step-Stone" theory is not true
Edited by - Blah! on 3/13/00 3:30:10 PM
I have smoked weed in the past. Yes, drugs are bad and I a havent smoked pot in about a year and im just fine today. So not *ALL* drugs twist you up and destroy your brain. Just dont goble up everything your teacher sez: he probably tried pot too

At least my English Teacher admitted it

Anyway just my point of view.
BTW: So called "experts" on drugs probably only tried experiments with Coke and other strong drugs and just assumed that pot was as bad as those drugs. Oh and FYI the
so called "Step-Stone" theory is not true

Edited by - Blah! on 3/13/00 3:30:10 PM
"End Communication!", Kang from Rigel-4
You know what bugs me the most about this thread....
Quote from Akura''s first post....
One thing I was really proud of myself was to never have been involved in drugs of any type, and I said to myself I was lucky because my friends didn''t also.
I was an alchoolic and I stopped drinking for 4 monthes now....
First off, Caffeine is a drug, alcholol is a drug, nicotine is a drug, so people on your high and might horses think about it for a second.
Caffeine is the most likely used out of people on this forum. You can get a ''buzz'' from it, you can get sick from it, it damages your heart, dehydrates your body, but I don''t see many anti-caffeine crusades going on....
Why not? Public acceptance.
Same with alcohol, How many people here drink a beer or a glass of wine? Did you flip out and go crazy from it?
Would you be better without it? Maybe, but it does releave stress, for better or worse, I don''t know.
Now pot has had tons of bad press, and why? Many(not all)claims are unsubstantiated, but because it is ''frowned upon'' in the public eye, people think its worse than anyother drugs. Most people call it ''the gateway drug'' LOL. Like smoking pot hooks you up with heroin addicts around the world.
Anyway, drugs is a choice issue. If you find you aren''t getting the things done you need to, than you need to take a look at yourself. But if you are happy, don''t worry about it.
Quote from Akura''s first post....
One thing I was really proud of myself was to never have been involved in drugs of any type, and I said to myself I was lucky because my friends didn''t also.
I was an alchoolic and I stopped drinking for 4 monthes now....
First off, Caffeine is a drug, alcholol is a drug, nicotine is a drug, so people on your high and might horses think about it for a second.
Caffeine is the most likely used out of people on this forum. You can get a ''buzz'' from it, you can get sick from it, it damages your heart, dehydrates your body, but I don''t see many anti-caffeine crusades going on....
Why not? Public acceptance.
Same with alcohol, How many people here drink a beer or a glass of wine? Did you flip out and go crazy from it?
Would you be better without it? Maybe, but it does releave stress, for better or worse, I don''t know.
Now pot has had tons of bad press, and why? Many(not all)claims are unsubstantiated, but because it is ''frowned upon'' in the public eye, people think its worse than anyother drugs. Most people call it ''the gateway drug'' LOL. Like smoking pot hooks you up with heroin addicts around the world.
Anyway, drugs is a choice issue. If you find you aren''t getting the things done you need to, than you need to take a look at yourself. But if you are happy, don''t worry about it.
Akura I know how you feel. All my friends smoke weed, and a lot of it. I know a lot of people think that pot is not addicting, but if you look at a lot of my friends, they are always high. They wake up in the morning and first thing they do is smoke weed. If they are out of weed and not high, they talk about how much they want to get high, and they are not fun to be around. I always think about how people say that weed isn''t adicting, but when I see my friends, I know that it is. I had one friend that went to treatment, because his parents found out and forced him to go, and the only thing that did was give him more hook ups.
I use to smoke a lot of weed, when I was 15/16 years old, but I quite about 2 years ago and feel great. Don''t get me wrong I had fun when I was high, but it started to affect my grades in school, and I had a hard time remembering things.
Just give it time Akura, she will realise that it isn''t worth doing and she will quite, hopefully.
sorry for ranting, it''s my $0.02
I use to smoke a lot of weed, when I was 15/16 years old, but I quite about 2 years ago and feel great. Don''t get me wrong I had fun when I was high, but it started to affect my grades in school, and I had a hard time remembering things.
Just give it time Akura, she will realise that it isn''t worth doing and she will quite, hopefully.
sorry for ranting, it''s my $0.02
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." -Alan Kay
I''m 16 and to this day the only drugs I''ve taken are caffeine and alchohol (legal where I live at my age, even though this is fairly irrelevent). Once I got so drunk that I couldn''t remember what I''d done the previous night, and from what I hear did something with some girl (both unknown), I seriously regret this, as I consider it a slight to my "personal feeling of integrity"...
Look... alchohol and other drugs all have negative effects on you, and it can''t be denied. Alchohol f**ks up your liver other stuff may do even worse stuff... OD''ing or cannabis (which to my knowledge has no health risk) f**ks up your education. Every single person with 80%+ average with one exception in my class has never done anything apart from caffeine and alchohol, with 1 (I think) having smoked tobacco. On the other hand, most people in my class smoking cannabis are wasting their money, and their marks have noticably gone down.
Many drugs in moderation are ok, but that doesn''t justify their use... hell despite my earlier bad experience with alchohol I still go out to a bar every friday with my friends for a game of pool and a few pints, and we have really cool conversations... but I''ve never been that drunk again, and dont plan on it either...
About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
Look... alchohol and other drugs all have negative effects on you, and it can''t be denied. Alchohol f**ks up your liver other stuff may do even worse stuff... OD''ing or cannabis (which to my knowledge has no health risk) f**ks up your education. Every single person with 80%+ average with one exception in my class has never done anything apart from caffeine and alchohol, with 1 (I think) having smoked tobacco. On the other hand, most people in my class smoking cannabis are wasting their money, and their marks have noticably gone down.
Many drugs in moderation are ok, but that doesn''t justify their use... hell despite my earlier bad experience with alchohol I still go out to a bar every friday with my friends for a game of pool and a few pints, and we have really cool conversations... but I''ve never been that drunk again, and dont plan on it either...
About time I put something funny here? I think so too...
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
any addiction is bad.. period. i''m addicted to nicotene, and i hate it but i''m too apathetic to quit..
there seems to have been a wide range of people on this thread..
josh: the way you say all drugs are addictive.. as you said, anything can be psychologically addictive. it doesn''t need to be a drug, it doesn''t need to have any psychotropic effect, or even any effect at all. but still, things that are physically addictive are worse, because usually someone physically addicted is psychologically addicted as well.. psychological addiction can be overcome (granted, it ain''t easy) by will power.. physical addiction cannot. a herion junkie will die from withdrawl.. to me that makes a pretty big difference..
all drugs are bad for your body, they damage your lungs or liver or brain cells.. well, i''ve heard that a small amount of alcohol a day helps reduce blood pressure (i''ve also heard that it''s something created by the fermenting process, and only in wine, so i dunno which is right).
oh, and to whoever it was who said LSD/Acid has no side effects: for some people LSD causes neausea (i''ve never done it myself, though i did have an experience with morning glory seeds, which contain an organic acid not unlike LSD, but the husks are semi-poisonous), and have you ever met a hippie or anyone who''s done way too much acid? fantasy and reality clash in flashbacks..
basically, if you don''t want to do drugs just because you''ve been told they''re bad, there''s absolutely nothing wrong with that.. fools who think drugs make them cool.. well.. it''s just sad..
there seems to have been a wide range of people on this thread..
josh: the way you say all drugs are addictive.. as you said, anything can be psychologically addictive. it doesn''t need to be a drug, it doesn''t need to have any psychotropic effect, or even any effect at all. but still, things that are physically addictive are worse, because usually someone physically addicted is psychologically addicted as well.. psychological addiction can be overcome (granted, it ain''t easy) by will power.. physical addiction cannot. a herion junkie will die from withdrawl.. to me that makes a pretty big difference..
all drugs are bad for your body, they damage your lungs or liver or brain cells.. well, i''ve heard that a small amount of alcohol a day helps reduce blood pressure (i''ve also heard that it''s something created by the fermenting process, and only in wine, so i dunno which is right).
oh, and to whoever it was who said LSD/Acid has no side effects: for some people LSD causes neausea (i''ve never done it myself, though i did have an experience with morning glory seeds, which contain an organic acid not unlike LSD, but the husks are semi-poisonous), and have you ever met a hippie or anyone who''s done way too much acid? fantasy and reality clash in flashbacks..
basically, if you don''t want to do drugs just because you''ve been told they''re bad, there''s absolutely nothing wrong with that.. fools who think drugs make them cool.. well.. it''s just sad..
Dearest Blah! and the rest of pOtiSk3wL l33t crowd,
The "step-stone" theory is true. Seen it happen plenty of times. Wait until you see someone lose their full-ride scholarship because of it. Wait until that same person thinks it is funny that they did. Wait until that person can''t afford to feed their kid(s) because of it. The drug (whatever it may be at the time) is more important to them than their kid, or the bills, or any glimpse of normal life.
I don''t know how old all of you are (don''t really care for ay other reason than the following), but maybe you have not seen the long term effects that pot has on someone. I have seen many bright, motivated friends turn into lazy morons. A lot of highschool droputs, a lot of college dropouts, a lot of life dropouts. It takes a few years, but it happens. The worst part is that they don''t even care that they wear a paper hat to work (when they show up), live in momma''s basement, have no friends, and no longer have desires or dreams. Those people changed into ''that'' because of their lifestyle. Over time they become a completely different person, and they didn''t even realize it was happening (and would not have cared if they did realize it). That is not funny, that is not something to be proud of, and that is not a good thing.
Some of the casual smokers will grow out of it and be just fine. Many won''t. It can turn into other worse things, and it will mess them up in the long term even if they stick with just pot. Most of them won''t know it. They will tell you it does nothing bad them and hasn''t changed them. I bet their former friends/parents/whatever would tell you different (unless they are the same way of course).
The real messed up part is when the lazy morons somehow figure it out. One day they wake up and they are 27 years old living in momma''s basement and working at Hardee''s 2 days a week. No money, no life, no friends. They realize they messed up and try to change. Guess what... No HS diploma, no degree, no skills, no motivation (it will never completely come back), and no way to change any of that. How fun can that be? Waking up into a living, seemingly endless hell is not my idea of fun. You people can have that life. Yo Yo YO!!! youz gots dat playas and piMps???
Anyway, think what you want to think folks. Fry your brain and destroy your life. I don''t really care. I just got irritated at your outlook on this topic. Someone has to make my #3 with a Diet Coke and, as far as I am concerned, it might as well be you...
The "step-stone" theory is true. Seen it happen plenty of times. Wait until you see someone lose their full-ride scholarship because of it. Wait until that same person thinks it is funny that they did. Wait until that person can''t afford to feed their kid(s) because of it. The drug (whatever it may be at the time) is more important to them than their kid, or the bills, or any glimpse of normal life.
I don''t know how old all of you are (don''t really care for ay other reason than the following), but maybe you have not seen the long term effects that pot has on someone. I have seen many bright, motivated friends turn into lazy morons. A lot of highschool droputs, a lot of college dropouts, a lot of life dropouts. It takes a few years, but it happens. The worst part is that they don''t even care that they wear a paper hat to work (when they show up), live in momma''s basement, have no friends, and no longer have desires or dreams. Those people changed into ''that'' because of their lifestyle. Over time they become a completely different person, and they didn''t even realize it was happening (and would not have cared if they did realize it). That is not funny, that is not something to be proud of, and that is not a good thing.
Some of the casual smokers will grow out of it and be just fine. Many won''t. It can turn into other worse things, and it will mess them up in the long term even if they stick with just pot. Most of them won''t know it. They will tell you it does nothing bad them and hasn''t changed them. I bet their former friends/parents/whatever would tell you different (unless they are the same way of course).
The real messed up part is when the lazy morons somehow figure it out. One day they wake up and they are 27 years old living in momma''s basement and working at Hardee''s 2 days a week. No money, no life, no friends. They realize they messed up and try to change. Guess what... No HS diploma, no degree, no skills, no motivation (it will never completely come back), and no way to change any of that. How fun can that be? Waking up into a living, seemingly endless hell is not my idea of fun. You people can have that life. Yo Yo YO!!! youz gots dat playas and piMps???
Anyway, think what you want to think folks. Fry your brain and destroy your life. I don''t really care. I just got irritated at your outlook on this topic. Someone has to make my #3 with a Diet Coke and, as far as I am concerned, it might as well be you...
I agree with Josh, drugs are bad m''kay. (boy I wonder if Trey and Matt have done any drugs).
I have an Idea, we can make a program that tracks how much of different kinds of drugs you do. Then It will warn you when your getting to a critical level, and maybe you should slow down on taking them. This could save lives!
Seriously though, I''ve had my share of bad times with friends and drugs. Including an x-girlfriend. It SUCKS! But, I''ve come to the conclusion that the only person in your life that you can depend on is yourself. I''ve done pot before, and I can''t say I won''t do it again. But, If your mentally strong enough to handle it, then that''s what counts. And I do think there are some drugs that nobody can handle effectively. With that said, Akura, I think the best thing you can do is try to give your friend that strength. If all fails, then it''s for the better. All things happen for a reason. Of course, this means that your not supposed to be friends anymore. If you don''t fit in the same life style, then "break up" and move on. You must have this kind of strength to make it in life(and be happy). If that means to be in a rut for a while, then fine. That''s how you get to higher places. It''s usually not a liner function
. Allways be a good, caring person, but you need to think about where these things are going to get you, because, no matter how hard you try, you can''t change people. At least not permenatly.
ok, I guess I''m done.
Pie are round!
I have an Idea, we can make a program that tracks how much of different kinds of drugs you do. Then It will warn you when your getting to a critical level, and maybe you should slow down on taking them. This could save lives!
Seriously though, I''ve had my share of bad times with friends and drugs. Including an x-girlfriend. It SUCKS! But, I''ve come to the conclusion that the only person in your life that you can depend on is yourself. I''ve done pot before, and I can''t say I won''t do it again. But, If your mentally strong enough to handle it, then that''s what counts. And I do think there are some drugs that nobody can handle effectively. With that said, Akura, I think the best thing you can do is try to give your friend that strength. If all fails, then it''s for the better. All things happen for a reason. Of course, this means that your not supposed to be friends anymore. If you don''t fit in the same life style, then "break up" and move on. You must have this kind of strength to make it in life(and be happy). If that means to be in a rut for a while, then fine. That''s how you get to higher places. It''s usually not a liner function

ok, I guess I''m done.
Pie are round!
[I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be]
DarkSpanky: You have just told the BIGGEST load of SH*T I''ve ever seen, the way you make it sound is if someone smokes weed once their life is ruined, your worse than a politician. I can''t believe your ignorance on drugs. OK i admit some people do get carried away with smoking just weed and revolve their lifes around it BUT not all. My dad has been smoking weed since he was in college (around 30 years) he has a PHD in chemistry, and works in a college, he doesn''t work in Hardee''s 2 days a week, and he doesn''t smoke weed 24 hours a day, he occasionally smokes a spliff when he''s relaxing at home. You have just said that everyone who smokes weed or has smoked weed is condemed to a life of "Do you want fries with that?".
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
Hey Akura,
I read this whole post today and was thinking about your situation with your friend. I dont want to come down on you or anything but what I think that your friend needs is Jesus. Jesus has helped me get over some addictions that I have had and I think that He can help your friend also.
I read this whole post today and was thinking about your situation with your friend. I dont want to come down on you or anything but what I think that your friend needs is Jesus. Jesus has helped me get over some addictions that I have had and I think that He can help your friend also.
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