

Started by March 12, 2000 06:19 PM
45 comments, last by Akura 24 years, 6 months ago

What does that quote have to do with black people?

I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter what I post on this board. People make every other word I type into some personal attack and it gets really irritating. Read what I type. Don''t make it into something it is not.

I was merely attempting to communicate with the (iq < 85) lingo that I find so attractive in today''s hip crowd. I was trying to relate to all the l33t k3wL d3wDs and gangstas on this board by using their language (you included). I have made no reference to black people in anything I have posted and frankly don''t know where your comment came from.

Nevermind dude, I''m sorry. My bad.
I guess I was just ''high'' at the time I waz tripping, because I thought you were making fun of me or something.
I guess I''m a self-conscious bastard huh? Oh well, I apologize . People, it''s time for this none-sense to stop and get back to programming the NEXT 3D hype! Get going people, nothing to see here...

Aukra: so how''s your friend? She doing okay now? Did you talk to her about how you feel?

Yep I know Straight-edge.. I have a couple of ex-friends in that movement. I find them just as bad as the druggies that used to be friends.
All extremes are bad.. try to be moderate people.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
this is pointless and irrelevant, but pot (or THC rather) is not physically addictive, and one cannot build a tolerance to it.. i''ve read studies about it, and know total potheads that still get high off the same amount..

and i didn''t realize straight edge really existed over there in europe.. i''m from the washington, dc, area, where straight edge is huge.. there''s a rather large hardcore/straight edge scene around here, founded by minor threat (creators of hardcore), and generally following fugazi now (which contains ian mckay from minor threat)..

totally off subject, but hey! who cares?

and i apoligize for keeping this thread alive with nonsense..
Please put these kinds of questions on another type of BBS. However since you already posted it I''ll respond a bit on my opinion of drugs. Besides my religious beliefs on the meaning of life, I also think that the meaning life is to be achieve your complete potential, both physicaly and mentaly. Drugs keep you from achieving both. True you may say there are pro athletes and smart people who took them and abused them but how much farther could they have gotten without them? Besides that, drugs are a waste of time that could have been spent doing something productive ie. practicing, studing, creating. I also think to unwind is a foolish excuse. If you need substances to unwind you have a chemical inbalance. If you need a substance to talk to a girl you are a coward. If you need a substance to act tough and get in fights your a coward too. Well i said more than i wanted to, but hopefully it will motivate some of our younger audience that you can do just fine without drugs. I have, caffeine and alcahol too.

This thread reminds me that i need to get some drugs. =P
Tom Spilman Co-owner | Programmer
Its too bad the same thing that people want to show off with being the "biggest and the best" applies to how much people can drink and how many drugs they can do, and they feel like they need to shout it at the top of their lungs.

Akura made a very open post and almost all of the replies were utter crap.

I hope you work out the problem with your friend Akura, from my experience everyone does drugs to escape one thing or another (including boredom, but usually self-exceptance problems or familly/responsibility issues). Talk to your friend and see if she'll deal with her problems head on, instead of backing away from them. No way she'll get past them by ignoring them, and you could very well end up losing a friend without either of you trying as people often split up with those kind of lifestyle choice differences.

As for the thread, it needs closing it as there will unlikely be any more really productive things coming from it. Its too bad some people had to take this time to beat their chest instead of trying to help out, or just passing by if they couldnt control themselves (or didnt care).


Edited by - ghowland on 3/15/00 7:22:33 AM

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