
RootSignature / Constant Buffer binding Error

Started by May 03, 2023 03:53 PM
1 comment, last by Chetanhl 1 year, 9 months ago


I am facing problem sin binding constant buffers to proper constant buffer registers in shader.

Here's how I am trying to making everything work -

rootparam[0] -> b1 (cb1) >>  g_TempConstBuffer_PerFrameCamera -> PerFrameCameraVSPS
rootparam[1] -> b0 (cb0) >>  g_TempConstBuffer_PerObjWorldMat -> PerObjWorldMat

But for some reason g_TempConstBuffer_PerFrameCamera constant buffer is binding to register 0 (instead of 1) and g_TempConstBuffer_PerObjWorldMat constantBuffer is binding to register 1 (instead of 0). I confirmed this in renderdoc.


On C++ side I have a Rootsignature with -

1) RootParam [0] initialized as constant buffer bound to BaseRegisterAddress 0

2) RootParam [1] initialized as DescriptorRange bound to BaseRegisterAddress 1

rootSigDesc[ 0 ].InitAsConstantBuffer( 1, D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY_VERTEX ); 
rootSigDesc[ 1 ].InitAsDescriptorRange( D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE_CBV, 0, 1, D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY_VERTEX );

Code I am using in Frameloop to bind constant buffers -

	chDescriptorHandle descHandle = staticTempDevice.GetDescHeapGPU_CbvSrvUav()->AllocateDescriptor( 1 );
	g_TempConstBuffer_PerFrameCamera.GetCBV( 0, sizeof( _CommonVSPSData_Camera ), descHandle );
			cmdList.m_pCmdList->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable( 1, descHandle.GetGpuHandle() );
			cmdList.m_pCmdList->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView( 0, g_TempConstBuffer_PerObjWorldMat.GetRHI()->GetGPUVirtualAddress() + offset );


Here is the shader code -

cbuffer PerFrameCameraVSPS	: register ( b1 )
	matrix viewProj;
	matrix viewProj1;
	matrix viewProj2;
	matrix viewProj3;

cbuffer PerObjWorldMat	: register ( b0 )
	matrix		worldMat;
	matrix		worldMat_Inv;
	float3		posW;
	float		_pad0;
	float4		col;


Shader compiler output - 
// Resource Bindings:
// Name                                 Type  Format         Dim      ID      HLSL Bind  Count
// ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ----------- ------- -------------- ------
// PerObjWorldMat                    cbuffer      NA          NA     CB0            cb0      1 
// PerFrameCameraVSPS                cbuffer      NA          NA     CB1            cb1      1 



Although I found a workaround by binding rootparam[0]→ b0 and rootparam[1]→ b1 I really wanted to understand and find out why above case is not working ??


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