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i found the reason
yes im using the same 12 device to 12device 5 for RT
anyone pls
What do you want to compromise on? Quality of transparency or cost of sorting?
In the first case, a “cutout” shader of the type Aressera describes sorts fragments perfectly by depth, without any reorganization of your rendering, but can only render the closest fragment fully opaque.
In the seco…
I have been trying to figure out how to change the output of my swap chain. I tried recreating my swap chain, but I am getting an error from my IDXGIFactory2:
DXGI ERROR: IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain: Only one flip model swap chain can be associate with an HWND, IWindow, or composition surface at a…
Earlier this year, Collabora announced a new project with Microsoft: the implementation of OpenCL & OpenGL to DirectX translation layers. Here's the latest on this work, including the steps taken to improve the performance of the OpenGL-On-D3D12 driver.