
OpenGL 4 reflections

Started by October 30, 2022 02:07 AM
110 comments, last by taby 2 years, 2 months ago

Shadow Map

Just one more pic:


This picture wants to have glossy reflections in the dark tiles, and sharp reflections on the bright tiles. :D

Yep I used the specular map as a gloss Map too. Lol

It's really cool to see how you've progressed with this project!

I've been doing a similar thing with MagicaVoxel stuff. Although in my own case, I've kept the voxels, and just read in the vox files, rather than converting to obj meshes.

@warp9 thanks! it’s been fun. Which code do you use to load and manipulate Vox files???? In the end, I would love to be able to just read in the Vox file and make my own triangles. Can you help with this?


taby said:

@warp9 thanks! it’s been fun. Which code do you use to load and manipulate Vox files???? In the end, I would love to be able to just read in the Vox file and make my own triangles. Can you help with this?

Yes. :-)

The vox files were really easy to read. Probably one of the easiest formats I've ever dealt with. The vox file formate specifications are here :

Things are broken up into chunks. Each chunk has a four letter code (chunk ID)


'PACK' : optional // tells how many models there are. This chunk only exists for voxel files with multiple models

// models



'RGBA' : optional // material/color palette

Following the 4 byte ID, there are two ints (each 4 bytes) that contain the number of bytes of chunk content, and the number of bytes of children chunks.

And I can share my code if you want. Although it would be nice to be sure that it works in all situations before I start putting it out on-line. My code has worked in all my exports so far. However my examples have been simple, single model, exports. Also I know MagicaVoxel can do layers, but I don't know how those are saved (and the specification doesn't seem to mention that).

A simple code would be best. I just need to iterate through the voxels. The rest I can take care of! If you’d prefer to not put it online yet, my email address is

Thank you very much. I really appreciate it!

taby said:

A simple code would be best. I just need to iterate through the voxels. The rest I can take care of! If you’d prefer to not put it online yet, my email address is

Thank you very much. I really appreciate it!

All right, the files should be on their way. Enjoy! :-)

I put this stuff in the e-mail, but I'll include the general usage info here as well. . .

Most of the functionality is incorporated into a class called cVOXreader. This is how you set it up to read a vox file, and how you get the data out, once the file has been read. . .

	cVOXreader VOX_reader;
	std::streampos FileSize;
	std::ifstream file("TestVoxelModel40.vox", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
	if (file.is_open())
		FileSize = file.tellg();
		file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
	} // end if File Is Open
	file.close(); // done reading file

// Reading the Voxel Data from the VOX_reader
// For each voxel, the data is 1 byte for X, 1 byte for Y, 1 byte for Z and 1 byte for Mateial
	for (int CurrVoxel = 0; CurrVoxel < VOX_reader.m_iCurrVoxelBufferSize; CurrVoxel++)
		TargetData.ucLocalX = VOX_reader.m_VoxelBuffer[CurrVoxel].m_ucX;
		TargetData.ucLocalY = VOX_reader.m_VoxelBuffer[CurrVoxel].m_ucY;
		TargetData.ucLocalZ = VOX_reader.m_VoxelBuffer[CurrVoxel].m_ucZ;

		TargetData.ucMaterial = VOX_reader.m_VoxelBuffer[CurrVoxel].m_ucMaterialIndex -1; // Magica colors run from 1 to 255 (not 0 to 255)
		// Note : I omitted the part where I actually used this TargetData, since it is not relvant for reading it

It may also be worth noting that, while vox files optionally include RGBA palette data, I've been working with a specific palette (and my game already knows what that is). So I don't bother loading that, and just close the file after reading the voxel data (meaning that part is not implemented in my code).

Holy cow! Thanks so much.

P.S. How do you visualize the voxels in your projects?

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