
How to memcpy std::map values to a pointer?

Started by July 05, 2019 08:00 PM
6 comments, last by Bregma 5 years, 2 months ago

I have a std::map<int, Point> keyed by the points id. I need to do the equivalent of a memcpy into a pointer like the following.

struct Point {
    float x, y, z;
    float nx, ny, nz;

// ...

std::map<int, Point> meshA =;

Point* points = reinterpret_cast<Point*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(sizeof(Point) * totalPoints(), Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY));

// memcpy into points?

After allocating the memory, how does one do the equivalent of a memcpy of std::map<int, Point> into 'Point* points'? I have to populate this pointer (Point *) which is the type my engine API takes.

Do you just want the 'Point' instances from the map, without the IDs? [Edit: I'm guessing that's the case based on the use of 'Point *', but it might still be worth clarifying that.] And does order matter? (E.g. do you want the points ordered by ascending ID?)


Yeah, I should have clarified that.

No, the point id's wouldn't be a part of it. Just the point structures. Yes, order does matter.

Assuming the order you want is by ascending ID, then I think you'll need to iterate over the map and process each 'Point' instance one at a time (either implicitly or explicitly - there are various ways you could express it using standard library features).

There may be other issues involved, such as padding, alignment, reinterpret_cast vs static_cast, and so on, but I don't know much about the context you're working in, so I won't comment on those issues. It sounds like the key question though is how to extract the 'Point' instances from the map, and I think the answer is that, one way or another, it needs to be done one at a time.

I think you need to question why you have an std::map<> from int to Point in the first place... but assuming it's working fine for you, what's wrong with...

void populate_raw_array(Point * &dest, int & maxN, std::map<int,Point> source const) {
  if( maxN > source.size() ) maxN = source.size();
  for (auto dp = dest, i = source.begin(), n = maxN; n != 0; ++dp, ++i, --n) {
    *dp = i->second;

// Usage...
Point buffer[256];
int size = 256;
populate_raw_array(buffer, size, my_map_of_points);
// buffer[0] through buffer[size], exclusive, now have points in.


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You could way more simple store all your points in memory and have the map just point to an Integer to Point-Pointer pair instead of to just the Point instance itself


Using SIMD implies you need the points in contiguous memory, which a map does not have.

You could use std::transform() from the map to the SIMD memory using a simple lambda to get the second member of the map pair.

transform(begin(meshA), end(meshA),
          [](map<int,Point>::value_type const& mp) -> Point
              { return mp.second; });

You could also use a loop.

auto p = points;
for (auto const& mp: meshA)
    *p++ = mp.second;

There is no more efficient way.

Note that std::map is a sorted associative container, so no fancy sorting is necessary, unless your desired sort order differs from the one you're sorting the map by.  In that case, std::sort is your best friend, but you might also consider why you're using a sorted associative container in the first place if you're not using the sort order of the container.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

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