
Week of Awesome V - Administration Thread

Started by June 02, 2017 08:25 PM
124 comments, last by Elijah Leon 7 years, 1 month ago
1 hour ago, Endurion said:

Edit: This message editor is getting worse and worse. How the f*ck do I change the text color?

99%+ of the time when that particular function was used in the past it made the text less readable and we ended up with a moderator altering it back to normal and asking that it not be used.  Because of that, and to reduce clutter in the toolbars, we elected to simply remove the option.

Other than the stuff we've removed on purpose, the new editor seems much more functional than what we had with the previous version of the site - if you've noticed any specific problems, please report them in the CSI forum and we'll take a look.

9 hours ago, __Toz__ said:

So I want to post on the Hobby Projects Classifieds instead. However that forum explicitly forbids any paid positions. So my question then is: if I share any price money, does that count as a payment?

That would be fine in this case.  Note however that to ease things for the contest organisers you may need to handle any sharing of the prize yourself. :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

I think I will have time to do this again :)

Team: Something Fun
Members: ryan20fun
Website/Blog/Twitter handle: Blog (journal of rasterisation)

I will be using UE4 again.

It is amazing what you can achieve when you have (better) tools to work with

Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.


Hmm... I have a question regarding code reuse, if I may:

In my current project, I have a file named "". It holds a variety of methods and pieces of data that are either game-independent or expected to be accessed from a variety of points in the game's code.


Now, a fair bit of this is game-specific. However, as noted above, some elements are not--things like weighted choices; a convenience function for creating a centred, texture quad; angular calculations; access to the (expected) game "framework" class; etc.


Would it be acceptable for me to use this file, with the game-specific code stripped out?


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

I might as well ask too.

I have a few classed I've worked on over the past year that implements a TGUI dialog box such that it presents text to the player to read along the lines of the sort of thing you'd see in a JRPG (text typed to the box, click to speed up or proceed to next page). Selections can be made on text options at the end of the dialog returning the index of the selection that was made.

Would this be ok to use?

From how I understand the rules, it'd be ok but i would need to do whatever writing content that is to appear in the dialogs as well as whatever other logical responses (script programming) to user selections at the time of the contest.

1 hour ago, Thaumaturge said:

Hmm... I have a question regarding code reuse, if I may:

In my current project, I have a file named "". It holds a variety of methods and pieces of data that are either game-independent or expected to be accessed from a variety of points in the game's code.


Now, a fair bit of this is game-specific. However, as noted above, some elements are not--things like weighted choices; a convenience function for creating a centred, texture quad; angular calculations; access to the (expected) game "framework" class; etc.


Would it be acceptable for me to use this file, with the game-specific code stripped out?


24 minutes ago, kseh said:

I might as well ask too.

I have a few classed I've worked on over the past year that implements a TGUI dialog box such that it presents text to the player to read along the lines of the sort of thing you'd see in a JRPG (text typed to the box, click to speed up or proceed to next page). Selections can be made on text options at the end of the dialog returning the index of the selection that was made.

Would this be ok to use?

From how I understand the rules, it'd be ok but i would need to do whatever writing content that is to appear in the dialogs as well as whatever other logical responses (script programming) to user selections at the time of the contest.

yes, this is perfectly fine to use.  even the game mechanic components Thaumaturge is talking about is probably fine.  The entire point of the rule is basically just that you don't take an existing game, slap some new textures on it, and try to pass it off as an entry.   you should ideally be working to create something new, but that doesn't mean you can't cut out components from another existing game and use it there.  Basically think of it like this:  would unreal, unity, or gamemaker provide you similar tools/classes?  if so then it's fine to use.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.
27 minutes ago, kseh said:

Would this be ok to use?

Considering most of us are going to use engines like Unity and Unreal that is full of GUI tools, yours sounds fair.


Thank you very much for organizing this wonderful contest!

Team: TeamNova
Members: NoVaTecK, Louni, ElectroDrill, Alex
Website/Blog/Twitter handle:


21 hours ago, slicer4ever said:


yes, this is perfectly fine to use.  even the game mechanic components Thaumaturge is talking about is probably fine.  The entire point of the rule is basically just that you don't take an existing game, slap some new textures on it, and try to pass it off as an entry.   you should ideally be working to create something new, but that doesn't mean you can't cut out components from another existing game and use it there.  Basically think of it like this:  would unreal, unity, or gamemaker provide you similar tools/classes?  if so then it's fine to use.

Ah, excellent, and thank you! (And thank you for clarifying the rule in general--that helps quite a bit, I think.) ^_^


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

I wanted to make sure I was set with the blog system here for progress reports, so I made a pre-jam test post: Counting down from 2^6 hours.

I'd like to join the game jam, please.

Team name: Digaly
Members: Digaly

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