
Week of Awesome V - Administration Thread

Started by June 02, 2017 08:25 PM
124 comments, last by Elijah Leon 7 years, 5 months ago

The Week of Awesome


The fifth annual week of awesome is here folks! With this year i've built a website that will be used both for judging and submissions.

This years site will be found here:

I will also keep an rss feed running during the contest for blog updates, which can be found here: 

You can find last years competition here:
You can find the third years competition here:
You can find the second years competition here:
You can find the first years competition here:

Have questions, you can also find most and contestants at the gamedev discord chat:

The competition is over.

You can find the judging thread here:

The competition has begun!:



This years competition will be held from August 7th, 00:01 (EST timezone) to August 13th (23:59 EST timezone).

Live countdown:

RSVP for the Calendar event here:


Right here, on will be where the majority of the competition will be handling updating, and information handling. There is also a twitter handle which can be used, #gdnjam! as well a site used for submissions, judging and which will have a feed of contestant and blog updates throughout the contest.



No changes have been made to the rules this year(the bolded points are something to take special note of):

  • There will be multiple themes to choose from, 2 must be implemented for full points
  • The theme's will be announced at midnight when the competition begins; games must incorporate 2 themes in some way
  • Games must be made during the 7 day period of the competition (i.e. you can't submit a game you made previously or are making now)
  • You may use any library, game engine, tools, art, or audio to develop the game, provided you have the appropriate license to do so (if licensing is required for what you use); note that this means you may use code, art, and audio that you or others may have made in the past (the explicit limitation is that you may not use existing game logic (i.e. you may use libraries and engines, but you still have to actually make the game during the 7 day period)) however this does not mean you can create assets specifically for your game prior to the start of the competition, this includes outsourcing work to others, or making assets for what your general idea for a game will be. the bottom line is that if the asset existed before the idea for your game, it is ok to use, but it is not to ok to create something specifically for your game before the start of the competition.
  • You may target any platform (but at least 3 judges must play your game, so if you develop for something the judges don't have, you can't be accepted as an entry; see the supported platforms list below for what can be developed for.)
  • People may work in teams of up to 4 people (a person may only be on one team, though)
  • Games must work on the judges' platforms (that is, if you have a bug in your program and it works fine on your computer but not on a judge's, you must fix it for it to be judged (during the 7 day period; no work/updates/fixes may be done after the 7 days); at least 3 judges must be able to evaluate it for it to be accepted as an entry)
  • Games will be preferably distributed as stand-alone startables(this means your game shouldn't install itself on the platform. This allows for easier access to testing, and distribution of the games in large packages. Although this doesn't mean disqualification, it will be preferred.
  • Any online game must be provided in an offline format when submitting the game.
  • For each category of points, the top 3 judge scores will be averaged, dropping any lower scores for that category.
  • Multiplayer games are fine to make, but do note that coordinating judge's to play it together can be difficult, it is recommended that multiplayer components not be the primary focus of the game.

Supported Platforms:


Supported platforms that are guaranteed to be used by the at least 3 judges:

  • Windows 7, 8,(10 should support 7/8 binary's theoretically)

please note that this list will change, and is just a preliminary list of what is supported. all platforms supported will be finalized at least 72 hours before the competition begins.

Judging Criteria:


Once again i didn't feel like the point system needed any changes from the last couple years contests. as such they are the same as before.

  • Gameplay/fun factor: 25 pts
  • Graphics: 20 pts (that is, does it look good, aesthetically, and do the graphics contribute to or detract from the game experience?) (note: it's not a contest of who has the most realistic graphics; rather, this category is about how well the graphics help the game express itself and create an engaging experience for the user)
  • Theme: 20 pts (that is, how well the game incorporates the theme, 10 points are given for each theme implemented(a total of 20 points available))
  • Audio: 10 pts (similar to Graphics, but with audio)
  • First time user experience: 10 pts (that is, is it easy to install and run and start playing?) (clarification: your game doesn't need an installer; in fact, a download-and-play (without an installing process) is probably even preferable; what I meant by "easy to install" is that it includes all the necessary dependencies (or has good instructions for obtaining/installing necessary dependencies) such that a user can easily run you game without having to fight it; you'll also want to include at least some minimal instructions or a tutorial/in-game hints/tips).
  • Participation: 10pts(that is, you post to the relevant threads on your progress, post dev journals, and in general participate with the rest of us rather than locking yourself away until your done. you don't have to go overboard, but a post every couple days with what your doing/upto will likely net you these 10 pnts)
  • Judges score: 5 pnts(this score is up to each individual judge, with no individual category to hold them down, overall it's up to each judge to define what criteria they will choose for this category!)

for Participation you are free to post blog updates, dev journals, and twitter updates and such, but you must drop the link into the competition thread(That is not this thread, but a thread which will be running during the competition) Your posts will also be added to the websites feed so that is easier to see the activity amongst everyone.

As with last year, here are some guidelines that you can expect the judge's to follow:

  • Remember each game is only built in the 7 days, so not all functionality may be straight forward, if you can't figure out a game, give them some leniency and contact the lead dev, this can reflect in the FTUE, or even the judge category, but should not spill into the other respective category's!
  • I will generate the participation points i feel each team has obtained, each judge is free to figure out their own points, or simply use the numbers i distribute, expecting each judge to read through every persons dev blog, journal, and post is a daunting task, and I won't expect each judge has the time to dedicate to such a task, but you are certainly free to do so.
  • don't normalize your results, yes this is a competition, but don't explicility boost/lower scores so that you have a linear worse->best of all the games, if we end up with ties in the prizes category's, we'll deal with how to resolve them then
  • Please stick to whole points, and no half point system.
  • I expect each judge to include at least 2 or 3 sentences about each game, so please remember to write down your thoughts on the games directly afterwards!
  • eck has written up a great guideline on what expectations are for each category:

Prizes and sponsors:


First place

  • 225$ USD

Second place

  • 150$ USD

Third place

  • 75$ USD

Fourth place

  • 50$ USD

Fifth place

  • 25$ USD


  • 200$ USD - slicer4ever (unfortuantly due to living arrangment changes, the amount i can put forward for this year has been reduced :(. )
  • 200$ USD - josh petrie
  • 125$ USD - Lactose

Becoming a sponsor
To become a sponsor, drop a message in this thread and i will pm you, or pm me directly. please note that if you wish to contribute with a monetary prize, i must have your contribution before the start of the competition.



At this moment, i'm aiming for 4-5 judges total, if you'd like to be a judge please contact me.

Participating Teams:


Team: dmatter
Members: dmatter
Website/Blog/Twitter handle:

Team: Scouting Ninja
Members: Scouting Ninja
Website/Blog/Twitter handle: -

Team: New Old Things
Members: Endurion
Website/Whatever handle:

Team: Avalander
Members: Avalander
Website/Blog/Twitter handle:

Team: braynzar
Members: iedoc, Friend

Team name: Sjs-Studio
Team members: stenol26

Team name: Strange Lights
Team members: Thaumaturge
Twitter handle

Teamname: DogAndRocket
Members: ArThor, ArThors Wife.

Teamname: Pooch
Members: markypooch
Website/Blog/Twitter handle: -

Team name: Scrambled Eggs
Members: __Toz__ 
Website: -

Team: Kseh
Members: Kseh

Team: PizzaFest
Members: SilviuShader, DeadCP, WaLee, Kavarna

Team: Spectre
Members: zeldax + friend
Website: -

Team: Aubergine Elephant
Members: JoshGrams
Website: -

Team: mousetail
Members: mousetail
Website: -

Team: TeamNova
Members: NoVaTecK, Louni, ElectroDrill, Alex
Website/Blog/Twitter handle:

Team name: Digaly
Members: Digaly

Team name: Running Man

Members: josehzz

Website/Blog/Twitter: -

Team name: Racsoth

Members: Racsoth

Blog: -


People looking for teammates

This thread is both here for asking questions, and telling us you will be competing, as we like to get an idea of how many people to expect. so please post a team name for your team, as well as your members(and be sure to drop an update to us if the team members change) please try to follow the following format for declaring your team:
Members: , , ,
Website/Blog/Twitter handle:

try to be creative folks with your name!(please remember the sites rules still apply here!)

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.
Will join if I find an artist to work with~

A small suggestion. Perhaps add a judging category for technical prowess, 10pts, 20pts or something to reward those 'games' that might not be as fun or as pretty, but have some awesome new tech, idea, or implementation.

Perhaps add a judging category for technical prowess, 10pts, 20pts or something to reward those 'games' that might not be as fun or as pretty, but have some awesome new tech, idea, or implementation.

How would you propose that work? From the perspective of a judge, I don't want to be poking around in source code looking to see things that are technically interesting. It creates some potential imbalances; it biases towards the languages the judges know best, it becomes harder to untangle what is an interesting technical thing the user wrote versus what they leveraged from the engine or frameworks they used, et cetera.

A small suggestion. Perhaps add a judging category for technical prowess, 10pts, 20pts or something to reward those 'games' that might not be as fun or as pretty, but have some awesome new tech, idea, or implementation.

I'm certainly open to adding another category, but I don't think this would work very nicely. As josh points out how do we define new tech/idea's? do you consider new tech as using an engine such as UE4/unity, or writing your own framwork from scratch, or do you mean something else entirely? If your working on a new idea for gameplay mechanics, or even controls it seems like gameplay and First time user experience would adequately cover how well a judge feels the idea works. Ultimately the contest is about evaluating what was created, and not how it was created, as well each judge is given a small amount of points to allocate however they feel like doing so(in the past some judge's have used their points based on how the game was made).

However if others feel that such a category could benefit the contest, i'm quite willing to be flexible with what categorys a game is scored on.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Judging criteria -- the audio part refers to "as above", but the above is the "theme" points. Maybe refer to the "graphics" section instead?

I might be able to sponsor this with a tiny bit of money again this year. PM me.

Hello to all my stalkers.


I don't think you need to be poking around in source code to realize something is different or unique when it comes to tech. The whole point of these sort of competitions is to foster new ideas, try new things, innovate, and be creative. It should apply to the tech side as much as the art, audio, or gameplay side IMHO.

For example: if a game was completely ray traced, or perhaps a game where all the assets were generated procedurally like .kkreiger. Having a category for technical creativity, innovation, or prowess gives incentive to try new things.

I'm in as usual! Sign me up!

I don't think you need to be poking around in source code to realize something is different or unique when it comes to tech. The whole point of these sort of competitions is to foster new ideas, try new things, innovate, and be creative. It should apply to the tech side as much as the art, audio, or gameplay side IMHO.

For example: if a game was completely ray traced, or perhaps a game where all the assets were generated procedurally like .kkreiger. Having a category for technical creativity, innovation, or prowess gives incentive to try new things.

The time is too short to innovate or create new ideas in tech.

Trying it out, Sign me up.

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