There, I fixed that for you. Not everybody knew (can we just ban those words from political debate altogether? I'm getting cancer just from reading people claim "everybody" "knows" about this and that when its clearly not everbody and its clearly impossible to know for a fact) that, in fact those people that claimed they knew, like you, are now proven to be wrong - I can't deny thats a tad bit satisfying.
I mean, the fact that you are so shocked about this is just amusing.
Don't be too complacent with yourself, there's no reason for your scorn. I am not
"so shocked". But yes, I do find it stunning that a politician -- a liar by definition -- actually stands to his word, and does (or at least attempts to do, the results remain to be seen) everything he said he would do, including the things that are sheer insane.
This must be the first time in my lifetime that someone promised something, got elected,
and then actually did what he promised. I think Hitler was the last person in history doing that...
If this does not in some way shock you, then you need to get real :)
I am not abstaining from "everybody knew", but if you insist I'll say "everybody who was at his senses knew". Sure, it turns out I was wrong thinking "won't happen" (but let's wait until the wall is finished). But that's irrelevant. I mean, yeah I was wrong. Woah, what a disgrace. Tell me you've never been wrong in your predictions.
Being right or wrong on looking into the crystal ball and predicting the future is not the the important thing, however.
If I promised to you I was going to build a tower to the moon, or I was going to build a city for ten million people located on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, would you take that as a promise? There are things that are just way too absurd, and this certainly warrants saying "it's a given fact that you aren't going to do that", or "we all know this isn't going to happen".
Everybody knows that I'm not going to build a tower to the moon, or build a city on the bottom of the sea. Believing a statement (and insisting on its truth solely because it has been said) when the statement is absurd beyond measure and hardly doable at all, is, in my opinion, not a sign of sanity on one's own behalf. Even if, in hindsight, it turns out being true.
How did you get to 10-20 billion cubic meters?
3,000,000m * 2m * 5m = 30,000,000 m^3.
Huh, you're right. No idea, I typed the numbers into the google search field to multiply them together quick (I'm using that as pocket calculator). Must accidentially have typed in an extra thousand too much somewhere. So at least that seems technically possible, only about 25-30% of the US annual production. Only, heh. Still, it strikes me as absurdly big. They'd have to do 800 kilometers per year if it is to be finished during his term. So, about 2km per day, without any holidays. That's harsh... :)