
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 7 months ago
That and the fact that he's populated his staff with liars, creationist morons, dumbasses who haven't a clue what their dept does and just plain old crooks.

Yes, unfortunately this happens with every single incoming administration (Giving donors/supporters jobs as a favor). 2 wrongs doesn't make a right, but we need new laws in place before this even has a shot of being corrected.

And somehow manufacturing "jobs" are coming to the US? What sort of jobs? Programming the robots maybe? Doesn't seem to be getting the Rust Belt back and working the way Trump sells it.

The cost of forcing them back will be offset by automation + threat of import tariffs (Like Trump's threat to charge Ford with a 35% import tariff on parts coming from Mexico).

There's no way the rust belt's ever coming back like it once was, but if they can be encouraged to build automated factories in that region, and pay state tax, there's a chance for the areas to at least thrive a bit more in the future.

Yea like I said, the usual media is rigged argument. You are so utterly entrenched in the Trump bullshit, that there's no point. All that'll happen is you'll throw your fringe idiot "correct" sources in our faces. Typical Trump apologist behavior. From the start of the election till now, you've found some fucking stupid justification or some fucking stupid excuse for Trump. The endless bullshit cycle that never seems to end.

Yea like I said, the usual media isn't rigged argument. You are so utterly entrenched in the CNN bullshit, that there's no point. All that'll happen is you'll throw your fringe idiot "correct" sources in our faces. Typical CNN apologist behavior. From the start of the election till now, you've found some fucking stupid justification or some fucking stupid excuse for CNN. The endless bullshit cycle that never seems to end.

Also I wasn't supporting Trump until it came down to Trump/Cruz/Hillary. If it even came down to someone like Jim Webb vs Trump I would have went with Webb.

I voted against Hillary in 2008 (Voted Obama in the democratic primary), so I'm not exactly someone who follows party lines. I just think once it came down to a choice of Cruz/Trump/Hillary Trump's the obvious best pick.

Oh no! The white dude is worried about the FCC choice! What a fucking terrible time to be alive... Never mind that many thousands of other people are worried/concerned about what President Fuckweasel and his band of Right Wing Nutjobs, Relgious Wackjobs and ex-bankers might do to fuck them up... no... the FCC! The. Fucking. Horror.

I don't concern myself with what every nutjob is worried about, and neither should you. Trump's been supportive of the LGBT community for long before any other candidate in the running (Barring Bernie Sanders/Chaffe).

I kinda secretly hope Trump will go and ban violent videogames. That's pretty much the only thing that will force some people to see him as a "bad guy". It's not like he hasn't tweeted about that too...

I will bet you 1:10 $30 usd he never mentions violent videogames in a negative fashion throughout his entire presidency. In other words if he does mention it I'll give you $300 usd, if he doesn't you pay me $30 Le me know and I'll create a bet on tedbets.

oh, right.. and I forget the executive order to restart the building of that oil pipeline... the one which could fuck up a water table if shit goes wrong (it probably will)... and the one which Trump has a invested interest in due to investing in it (indirectly, but still).

but... hey... Hillary is the crooked one.. because.. emails.. or something...
With how paranoid everyone is about the media lying to them, why do you even believe that Trump is actually president? Or that we even have elections?


This is a problem. I can easily see how fucked up people's concepts of reality can be.

Sources: CNN, NYT, and The Guardian. You just managed to implode.

I don't care about how many people went to the innaguration, that's just BS. Maybe you could have a point with US/China tensions, but that is if you are totally clean and were not warmongering with the Middle East and Russia which is a strange mix of opinions.

The CNN is out of control, spriling down and on fire, and Fox is getting away with the opposite (look at the ratings). It seem's that there's a clear winner. Criticism of Trump is hitting back twice, and protests aren't helping either, these are giving trump more reasons to go into an iron fisting frenzy. And dems are pushing to an assasination... let's image it fails because dems can't handle guns... (I think that this would be nice to see in our lifetimes), then your country could turn into a dictatorship.

oh, right.. and I forget the executive order to restart the building of that oil pipeline... the one which could fuck up a water table if shit goes wrong (it probably will)... and the one which Trump has a invested interest in due to investing in it (indirectly, but still).

but... hey... Hillary is the crooked one.. because.. emails.. or something...

A pipeline has safety measures to prevent large spillage in case of an emergency, and even if something massive happens, the pipeline owner has insurance to clean it up/pay for a clean alternate water source.

With how paranoid everyone is about the media lying to them, why do you even believe that Trump is actually president? Or that we even have elections?

Ease of communication has proliferated many incredibly untrustworthy sources along every idealogy. CNN seems to be regressing their coverage to fill a niche of "untrustworthy left-aligned news source on TV". Possibly jealous of Fox News' complete domination of "untrustworthy right-aligned news source on TV".

Yea like I said, the usual media is rigged argument. You are so utterly entrenched in the Trump bullshit, that there's no point. All that'll happen is you'll throw your fringe idiot "correct" sources in our faces. Typical Trump apologist behavior. From the start of the election till now, you've found some fucking stupid justification or some fucking stupid excuse for Trump. The endless bullshit cycle that never seems to end.

Yea like I said, the usual media isn't rigged argument. You are so utterly entrenched in the CNN bullshit, that there's no point. All that'll happen is you'll throw your fringe idiot "correct" sources in our faces. Typical CNN apologist behavior. From the start of the election till now, you've found some fucking stupid justification or some fucking stupid excuse for CNN. The endless bullshit cycle that never seems to end.

Also I wasn't supporting Trump until it came down to Trump/Cruz/Hillary. If it even came down to someone like Jim Webb vs Trump I would have went with Webb.

I voted against Hillary in 2008 (Voted Obama in the democratic primary), so I'm not exactly someone who follows party lines. I just think once it came down to a choice of Cruz/Trump/Hillary Trump's the obvious best pick.

Pick any number of news sources that aren't coming out of Trump's asshole and all are more or less reporting the same thing. You have more or less regurgitated Trump lines over and over again. Good job once more. Another well document behavior of taking words, and just inserting and changing it to make it seem that you have an argument when all you can do is spin the Trump line. When was this ever specifically about CNN? You tried to change the topic to make it seem that way, the only thing a Trump apologist argument has ever been.

Don't like CNN? What about New York Times? BBC? Reuters? Shit even foreign newspapers are reporting this. Any relatively well known news source? Right they are all fake news because they point out your beloved leader to be the asshole that he is.

Your arguments are never serious because instantly you have some sort of fucking excuse. You have always been the one to defend something Trump did by jumping to the media is rigged excuse. You are the one who is doing the fucking stupid job of trying to defend the inauguration numbers. This media is rigged argument always comes as a defense or excuse of something Trump did.

Yea if your only argument left is simply to change my words, you've only continued to prove the point.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


I showed clear evidence of CNN contradicting themselves while claiming facts, and publishing photos with a fake context multiple times. Which arguments did I not address?

I didn't even argue your premise because all you did was state a fact.

I just brought up that CNN is a terrible source, and the new images they released (Which I thought you were specifically referencing with the second comment) were fake. And yes, Trump's innauguration crowd was pathetic compared to Obama's

He is launching an investigation into voter fraud, no one knows whether any exists or not. Of course he's lying about "3-5 million illegal votes", and also lying about having the most watched inauguration.

No one voted for Trump based on his ability to speak truthfully (Or if they did, they probably knew nothing about him and just thought "He sounds like one of us")

We could fill pages if we were going to discuss every lie Trump's said on the campaign (In fact, we probably have for many of them). Everything from banning all Muslim immigration to Trump steaks still being a thing. Did he lie about inauguration crowd size? Of course, his thing is being as bombastic as possible. If he's not getting the biggest numbers, he's not achieving his goal, so he'll just repeat that he's got the biggest numbers until people get tired of telling him otherwise, even if they're correct. I can pretty much guarantee in 3 years he'll still be talking about how he got the biggest crowd ever, and people won't even bother challenging him on it any more.

oh, right.. and I forget the executive order to restart the building of that oil pipeline... the one which could fuck up a water table if shit goes wrong (it probably will)... and the one which Trump has a invested interest in due to investing in it (indirectly, but still).

but... hey... Hillary is the crooked one.. because.. emails.. or something...

A pipeline has safety measures to prevent large spillage in case of an emergency, and even if something massive happens, the pipeline owner has insurance to clean it up/pay for a clean alternate water source.

It's not just about alternative water sources. Pipelines are particularly contentious where I live because a bad spill would affect the salmon run - a major source of income for local fishermen and the backbone of the traditional lifestyles of several First Nations in the area. Even if the spill is cleaned up, there will still be damage. Depending on where the pipeline is, possibly economic damage and job losses. There's also that the pipeline existing will encourage consumption of oil and that's something that we should be limiting if we care about slowing down the effects of global climate change...

Saying "the owner has insurance" is completely missing the point.

I showed clear evidence of CNN contradicting themselves while claiming facts, and publishing photos with a fake context multiple times. Which arguments did I not address?

I didn't even argue your premise because all you did was state a fact.

I just brought up that CNN is a terrible source, and the new images they released (Which I thought you were specifically referencing with the second comment) were fake. And yes, Trump's innauguration crowd was pathetic compared to Obama's

He is launching an investigation into voter fraud, no one knows whether any exists or not. Of course he's lying about "3-5 million illegal votes", and also lying about having the most watched inauguration.

No one voted for Trump based on his ability to speak truthfully (Or if they did, they probably knew nothing about him and just thought "He sounds like one of us")

We could fill pages if we were going to discuss every lie Trump's said on the campaign (In fact, we probably have for many of them). Everything from banning all Muslim immigration to Trump steaks still being a thing. Did he lie about inauguration crowd size? Of course, his thing is being as bombastic as possible. If he's not getting the biggest numbers, he's not achieving his goal, so he'll just repeat that he's got the biggest numbers until people get tired of telling him otherwise, even if they're correct. I can pretty much guarantee in 3 years he'll still be talking about how he got the biggest crowd ever, and people won't even bother challenging him on it any more.

Does it still not make sense to you that this isn't about one bloody cable news network? You are the one who brought this up, like always I might add. You continue to use this argument as a legitimate means to excuse not only lies, but downright insane behavior and straight up stupid policies.

If you still see these lies and are still 100% high on Trump, then you are certainly living in some other reality.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I thought you were specifically talking about the new images CNN release of the Inauguration (The fake ones), which is why I brought them up. If you meant in general about the number of viewers, then yeah, as I said obviously Trump lied about it, then lied about lying about it.

Trump's demonstrably a liar, I never claimed otherwise. What I was hoping in the election (and I can find if I look) was that when it came time to doing the job he'd be a mix of the policies he supported in the 90's/early 200's, and a mix of what he's promised his campaign, which generally seems to be what he's keeping to.

I really don't care one way or the other about a wall, with it only being predicted to cost $10~ Billion. That's a drop in the bucket, and a lot of people seem to want it, so good on him for actually delivering I guess.

Either way, his behavior isn't insane, it's sociopathically (this should be a word) calculated and very understandable/meticulous. Essentially he's building a bubble of grandeur he can reference and claim as fact. This is why he fights on every single little thing until people are tired of fighting him, then claims what he was fighting for as fact, getting the final say. From a moralistic standpoint it's brazenly atrocious, but as long as his policy keeps going this way, I'll be happy enough to vote for him again in 2020 (When Clinton runs again).

Now, if a candidate (like Webb) comes along and manages to get the democratic nomination, I'll probably vote for them instead. Same thing if Rand Paul challenges Trump in a primary, I'll vote for Rand.

Being 100% behind a candidate is stupid. Being 100% against a candidate is stupid as well, which is something the left's going to need to learn will dissuade people from supporting them before the DNC collapses again.

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