
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago

And these so called "biggest female's protests/marches"... just follow the money.

Oh my god yes; it couldn't possibly be people that are genuinely protesting Trump's policies and rhetoric; they must be paid by Soros! It's the only thing that makes sense! Why would anyone protest against this guy? :P

It's no news that most protests today are funded in one way or another. If not funded, then most probably backed by a government or political entity. The real underdog is that one that you will hardly see.

Let's talk about Soros, wasn't he in the Clinton's leaks shapping policy? Most probably you didn't know that, in fact, even CNN said that it was illegal to watch these emails (which is a lie). Aside that, maybe 90 million dollars in 10 years means something if this money ends up in some dummy/fake feminist organization.

And these so called "biggest female's protests/marches"... just follow the money.

Oh my god yes; it couldn't possibly be people that are genuinely protesting Trump's policies and rhetoric; they must be paid by Soros! It's the only thing that makes sense! Why would anyone protest against this guy? :P

It's no news that most protests today are funded in one way or another. If not funded, then most probably backed by a government or political entity.

giving money to a cause you think its important/justified to spread awareness is legit. Or are you implying protesters are paid to protest?

If the people didnt care it wouldnt matter how many $ are behind it.

Just don't....this guy is pretty well known from his posting history to be a nutty conspiracy theorist. You'd be better off not engaging this troll.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Just don't....this guy is pretty well known from his posting history to be a nutty conspiracy theorist. You'd be better off not engaging this troll.

It is the easiest and most "lazy" way to view history: Masses never make history; even when it seems they do, in reality they're just always manipulated by some shady "puppeteer", who is the only one that really matters.

There's the view that history is made by "great men", be it kings, generals, inventors, businessmen, etc...there's the view that history is made by the masses...and then there's the conspiracy view...history is really made by some unnamed "elites" that operate in the shadows and move the strings.

Your political convictions can be quite accurately be traced to which of the 3 views(or a combination of them) you hold. :)

Here's an "illegal" conspiracy theory:

It features the Soros Reptiloid dude.

Edit: Make sure of smashing your hardrive right after.

Well yeah, Soros financed much of the feminist march/BLM/fight for 15/occupy wall street/many political figures. But he's allowed to do what he wants with his own money.

There's nothing wrong with him giving money to organizations with ideologies he supports.

And yes, if Trump wanted to exclude extremist countries, he absolutely should have banned Saudi Arabia as well, but I think the business relationships we have with them made it impossible.


To have a sense of proportion: If it was a radical muslim ban? Why didn't Trump ban the Saudis?

The 7 nations NOT named in the banning order, who contributed to 9/11, all have Trump business interests in them...

So, yes, follow the money indeed...

Just don't....this guy is pretty well known from his posting history to be a nutty conspiracy theorist. You'd be better off not engaging this troll.

It is the easiest and most "lazy" way to view history: Masses never make history; even when it seems they do, in reality they're just always manipulated by some shady "puppeteer", who is the only one that really matters.

There's the view that history is made by "great men", be it kings, generals, inventors, businessmen, etc...there's the view that history is made by the masses...and then there's the conspiracy view...history is really made by some unnamed "elites" that operate in the shadows and move the strings.

Your political convictions can be quite accurately be traced to which of the 3 views(or a combination of them) you hold. :)

Yea that more or less sums this up. I mean let's be honest, if you buy conspiracy theories, then making any logical argument is pretty tough because any legit argument will be trashed by how the elite puppeteers are trying to make everything seem that way but in reality, it's actually (etc, etc). The sad thing is that a lot of the Trump support base does actually buy into many conspiracy theories.

Just don't bother with this guy. He's been posting a lot of ridiculous conspiracy shit for a while. And if these latest posts are evidence, it's pretty clear that there's a lot more ridiculous shit from where it comes from.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Yeah, Delta, don't even put up the evidence, you can't defend your position. You're totally indentified wht the team that pushed that dossier thing that turned out to be created by some 4chan dude. Mob/sheep mentallity.

To have a sense of proportion: If it was a radical muslim ban? Why didn't Trump ban the Saudis?

The 7 nations NOT named in the banning order, who contributed to 9/11, all have Trump business interests in them...

So, yes, follow the money indeed...

I don't think it's business in this case (just like russia). It's the US foreign policy that's really engrained with these "good team radicals" (saudis, israelites, ISIS, FSA, etc).

Oh, right, I forgot.

They also tend to use the word "sheep(le)" a lot. :P

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