
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago

With every passing day I become more convinced that Trump won't serve out his term. If the next few months continue like the past week, the country will see protests and riots like never before (heck, last weekend's Women's March was already the largest protest in US history), and he may be forced to step down sooner rather than later.

I'm not sure exactly how that plays out - I guess the best scenario is that enough Republicans in congress grow spines and come around. I remain hopeful the majority of Americans aren't going to stand his crap much longer (after his clearly bullshit calls for unity during his inauguration). It's sad we have let it come this far though...

With every passing day I become more convinced that Trump won't serve out his term

Nah, only impeachment worthy actions can get a POTUS out of office. And even for impeachment you have to break the law in some really serious way. (pergury could not even get Bill Clinton out of office)

More so the protesters would get tired, get worn out as the days past and the protests would grow thin - remember Black Lives Matter?

As thick minded as Trump is, these protests would even be music to his ears

He seems to thrive on controversies , does he really care?

the best scenario is that enough Republicans in congress grow spines and come around.

I think he still has more support in the House than many people think

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...


Ban on ALL people regardless of religion from 7 countries

Oh, come on. We all know that this is a de facto muslim ban.

Conquestor3, is there a point when you'll say to yourself Trump has gone too far? Or will you keep performing mental gymnastics and defend him no matter what he does?

Though I hate defending Trump, but calling it a muslim ban is a weak argument. There are plenty more muslim countries out there that do not make it to the list.

It's like calling a ban on skittles, yet people are upset for #sugarban.

Ban on ALL people regardless of religion from 7 countries

Oh, come on. We all know that this is a de facto muslim ban.

Conquestor3, is there a point when you'll say to yourself Trump has gone too far? Or will you keep performing mental gymnastics and defend him no matter what he does?

Though I hate defending Trump, but calling it a muslim ban is a weak argument. There are plenty more muslim countries out there that do not make it to the list.

It's like calling a ban on skittles, yet people are upset for #sugarban.
I wouldn't expect irrational, possible racist, moves to be accompanied by an abundance of logical reasoning. They're the first countries that popped into his head. They are well known.
They could probably ban christians, and maybe hindus, and buddhists, but they couldn't never ban jews. In fact, jews would get effortless nationality (it doesn't matter if the right or if the left is ruling). Why are we talking about a muslim ban when in fact it's a warzone emigration partial ban?
Didn't Obama stopped giving cubans nationality? I mean, they're steps away, they're living under a dictatorship, and they're also more culture-compatible.

They're the first countries that popped into his head. They are well known.

You might be right, but Trump still technically banned the people from those countries, not their religions. It doesn't matter what you think he thinks. What does the executive order say?

Similarly, Obama banned Iraqis for 6 months in 2011, another counter-argument by the 'far-right' that Obama did something similar yet people weren't upset then. Although the scale was far more smaller then, one country, and this time it's seven including people with green cards.

Either way, the damage is done. Trump administration is acting on fear of immigrations. And with Bannon being his advisor, I doubt this administration will last longer than 4 years.


They could probably ban christians, and maybe hindus, and buddhists, but they couldn't never ban jews. In fact, jews would get effortless nationality (it doesn't matter if the right or if the left is ruling).

Well, that's the dumbest thing I've read today...
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

They could probably ban christians, and maybe hindus, and buddhists, but they couldn't never ban jews. In fact, jews would get effortless nationality (it doesn't matter if the right or if the left is ruling).

Well, that's the dumbest thing I've read today...

True Story. Happened in Spain (jews got an effortless nationality). No, you live in a CNN's bubble.
I also think that Trump got a lot of the same votes that went to Obama in the race against McCain. I mean, both (Obama and Trump) were agains the unstabilization of the middle east, though Obama did the opposite and we have yet to see if the far israelites make Trump do something.

To have a sense of proportion: If it was a radical muslim ban? Why didn't Trump ban the Saudis? Didn't most of the 9/11 terrorists come out of Saudi Arabia? It's all BS. I don't even believe that the WTC7 was an accident, and that marked the credibility of the history of the other two buildings.

And these so called "biggest female's protests/marches"... just follow the money.

And these so called "biggest female's protests/marches"... just follow the money.

Oh my god yes; it couldn't possibly be people that are genuinely protesting Trump's policies and rhetoric; they must be paid by Soros! It's the only thing that makes sense! Why would anyone protest against this guy? :P

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