
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago
I don't trust VoxMedia, and what the journalist wrote is BS (it seems that it's everything she writes is BS). My point was that I can't see any good reason... there're no good reasons that I could think of. If they promote the islamization of the US, they are surely are not for "gay rights", "female rights", and other vacuus BS. They aren't for that. In fact, they are just playing with group mentallity, and only really dumb people fall for that... and that changed with Trump's election. If you really want to know what they really want, then you need to dig a lot deeper, I've my ideas but it's just speculation.
You got a word there: Rhetoric, and that's spot on.

Delta, just calm down and surrender the anger. Once you put more time in observing the available partial facts, you will realize that it's almost all BS and that it doesn't deserve emotional investment.
Calm down or I am shutting it down and dealing out suspensions. No cursing, no personal insults. This is your only warning.
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Renzo, I'm not intetested in arguing or debating, so don't bother and don't worry.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I don't trust VoxMedia, and what the journalist wrote is BS (it seems that it's everything she writes is BS).

If you'd even bothered to read the article, you would have found that it cites a source, which accurately describes why least the women I know who marched were marching. Read the entire document, and you will understand.

Honestly, I can understand delta's anger, here - it's rather infuriating when the people doing the thing explicitly state why they're doing the thing and your interlocutor says, "no, that's bullshit." Particularly when the explanations are really easy to find.
My point was that I can't see any good reason... there're no good reasons that I could think of.

Thats totally irrelevant. Just because you cannot think of something, or fail to see any reasons doesn't mean that there isn't a reason. Thats usually the kind of argument fanatic creationists make (I cannot see how the universe could have created itself - therefore god), but you're using it just as irritatingly.

If you really want to know what they really want, then you need to dig a lot deeper, I've my ideas but it's just speculation.

Here's what big news corporations want: $ $ $ $ $. No need for any crazy theories and "to go deeper", they are a buisness, they want/need to make money, and some are willing to undermine every aspect of journalism for that.

Once you put more time in observing the available partial facts

Whats "facts"? You've barely presented any facts, just what you cannot see, cannot imagine or cannot think of, mixed in with some random generalization about groups of people and snarky, pointless side comments.

You know, I tend to find it funny how you claim only "really stupid" people fall for mainstream media, and yet I'll just end this sentence here not to get the already upset mods any more upset.

Certainly it is true that you can blame corporations for anything in the US. Julian, you know I'm just trying to make coherent out of the incoherence when I try to analize these strange ideas and BS that can't make sense. Julian, I'm sorry for not being a black jewish vietnam war transexual veteran, maybe that way I could have make changed your mind.

Ah, America... where upon making a speech about Black History Month, The Puppet of Bannon, manages to make it all about him...

Repeat after me; Your President is a joke and a puppet.
Ah, America... where upon making a speech about Black History Month, The Puppet of Bannon, manages to make it all about him...Repeat after me; Your President is a joke and a puppet.

I don't get why it's so important for many brits like us to get so bent out of shape about another countries choice of leader. It's not like we had any choice or can do anything about it.

To be honest I'm kind of sick of all the constant whinging and protesting.

Americans: he won legitimately using the system that has been in existence for generations. Suck it up.

Brits: it's another country's problem that we can only moan about from across an ocean and that will do squat. Suck it up.

I don't get why it's so important for many brits like us to get so bent out of shape about another countries choice of leader.

For better or for worse, the US is a superpower. What happens in the US affects the rest of the world. If the US becomes a fascist dictatorship, that WILL have (probably negative) effects on geopolitics at large. Canadians like me care about what's happening in the US because we live next door to them and many of us have family and friends down there. Oftentimes what happens in the US will also happen in Canada.

Americans: he won legitimately using the system that has been in existence for generations. Suck it up.

Are you actually implying that people who disagree with the people in power should only protest if said people's election was "illegitimate?" Are you sure that's what you intended to say? Regardless of what you meant to imply, telling people to "suck it up" when they feel their government does not represent them really falls into the "not helpful" bucket, if not into the "actively anti-democratic" bucket.

So about why people should care what happens in the US. That one's pretty straightforward. The US is still the world's largest economy, etc. and is a pretty big driving force of the global economy. So economic bad things happening in the US will certainly negatively affect people across the pond.

Then there's geopolitics. The US has by and large shaped lots of global politics and events for the last 60 or so years. The US has a lot of power and influence on the world order. So stupid things done on the global stage will negatively affect people across the pond as well.

Some examples of dumb things that could really hurt. A trade war with China. An actual war with China. (both are examples, I'm not saying either will happen, although it is looking like the first is indeed a legit possibility). Engaging in a war in the Middle East. Engaging in a war in the Middle East in a stupid and unhelpful manner. Pissing key nations off in general.

Another possibility is the rise of fascism in the US. If the rise of fascism in the 20th century in Germany was any indication of what will happen, it's probably bad things to people globally. Don't think it can happen in the US? I'm sure Germans thought so too. To be fair, yes, conditions were very different at the time. And while I don't think it's likely, I do think it's possible, given what's been going on and the rather strange turn of events recently. I can't really peg a number on the chances because a lot of it really depends on what people do, especially people in Congress, where many a Republican (but not all) seem to have suddenly lost their vertebrae. Then there's the mass protests we are seeing.

The point? There's a ton of uncertainty about what may or may not happen in the US.

To be honest I'm kind of sick of all the constant whinging and protesting.

Americans: he won legitimately using the system that has been in existence for generations. Suck it up.

Brits: it's another country's problem that we can only moan about from across an ocean and that will do squat. Suck it up.

Granted, he won. There is no real argument that can deny that. That does not mean people have to take whatever he does silently. Protesting, etc. are all a part of a democracy. As Oberon_Command said, it doesn't really make sense to tell people otherwise.

The protests in the UK...I don't live there, so I can't comment on why people are protesting. He is a globally hated creature is about all I can say, and as I illustrated above, his actions will impact you guys.

People are just straight up angry, with good reason. Just look at his disapproval rating.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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