
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago

GUYS! Stop responding to arch-troll "Renzo-Copola". Them is down-grading any reasons of dealings, that could possibly emerge.

I got few of my posts detained in vain.

Just stop where you are guys!

That person has written too much NON-SENSE! No further stuff is needed realy!

Occam's razor. Odds are Trump just wants to build a legacy because he's obsessed with his brand, and he wants to be known as a well-liked president/will probably do everything in his power to fulfill all his campaign promises ASAP (executive orders) when work on his approval rating.

... says the person who said Cheeto Hitler wouldn't do the very things he is doing now that he is in power.

In short; you have zero credibility in the world of 'things cheeto hitler will do' predictions.
Occam's razor.

Oh you bloody shut up with occam's razor! I'm sorry, but you can't just constantly try to (mis)predict/(mis)interpret what Trump is going to do, and then say "choose the theory with the fewest assumptions" (thats what occam's razor actually means). So:

Odds are Trump just wants to build a legacy


because he's obsessed with his brand

Assumption (what brand?)

and he wants to be known as a well-liked president


will probably do everything in his power to fulfill all his campaign promises ASAP (executive orders)

Yep, thats a given, thats what he has demonstrated so far.

when work on his approval rating.

Assumption (Trump didn't display any real desire to give a crap about approval rating, he just seems to say what he wants and enough people agree with him).

The only real odds are that Trump is willing to do exactly what he said he would, EVERYTHING else is just an assumption (yes, including some of the stuff that has been posted against trump).

I can only wonder what children are learning when they watch the news. There is so much hate being thrown around that maybe when they grow up they won't know any better.

I think that at this point it's more like "choose the theory that most conveniently ignores the most evidence already put forth" in order to explain Trump to be an overall nice dude.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Sorry, better late than never:

Certainly it is true that you can blame corporations for anything in the US. J

Yes, you can blame the goddame coorperations that demonstrate nothing but ill-will towards progression for mankind, except you can also blame stupid stuff like repilian-folk that can't even be bothered to be proofed outside your drug-indused nightmares. What do you blame? I'd argue for the thing you can *** see for yourself, but IDK, I'm probably just a sheeple beeing influenced by the goddamn mainstream media I don't even bother to watch.

you know I'm just trying to make coherent out of the incoherence when I try to analize these strange ideas and BS that can't make sense.

AGAIN, your fucking idea of what makes sense or not does not goddamn matters! I can't make a damn sense of bloody navier stokes formula for particle hydrodynamics, that doesn't mean that said formula is BS. Your analysation is only based on your own bias, so you might as well say "I belive this, so I try to prove this without even bothering to asses contradicting statements."

Julian, I'm sorry for not being a black jewish vietnam war transexual veteran, maybe that way I could have make changed your mind.

Oh you goddamn fucking strahman. I don't bloody care if you're black gay white hetero or non-sexual, if only you use your goddamn brain to produce logical statements instead of just spewing illogical nonsene. REALLY, just to proove me wrong, just someone please give me a logical argument in the case of "trump is good for america, because... " not just "trump doesn't...", "at least he's better than killari", "he doesn't mean what he says"... just please, I don't even want to engage in this engage in this debate because I don't feel I have anything to add to the discussion, but the amount of people using stupid self-indulging, non-sensical statements is just too damn high... -.-


Sorry, better late than never:

Certainly it is true that you can blame corporations for anything in the US. J

Yes, you can blame the goddame coorperations that demonstrate nothing but ill-will towards progression for mankind, except you can also blame stupid stuff like repilian-folk that can't even be bothered to be proofed outside your drug-indused nightmares. What do you blame? I'd argue for the thing you can *** see for yourself, but IDK, I'm probably just a sheeple beeing influenced by the goddamn mainstream media I don't even bother to watch.

you know I'm just trying to make coherent out of the incoherence when I try to analize these strange ideas and BS that can't make sense.

AGAIN, your fucking idea of what makes sense or not does not goddamn matters! I can't make a damn sense of bloody navier stokes formula for particle hydrodynamics, that doesn't mean that said formula is BS. Your analysation is only based on your own bias, so you might as well say "I belive this, so I try to prove this without even bothering to asses contradicting statements."

Julian, I'm sorry for not being a black jewish vietnam war transexual veteran, maybe that way I could have make changed your mind.

Oh you goddamn fucking strahman. I don't bloody care if you're black gay white hetero or non-sexual, if only you use your goddamn brain to produce logical statements instead of just spewing illogical nonsene. REALLY, just to proove me wrong, just someone please give me a logical argument in the case of "trump is good for america, because... " not just "trump doesn't...", "at least he's better than killari", "he doesn't mean what he says"... just please, I don't even want to engage in this engage in this debate because I don't feel I have anything to add to the discussion, but the amount of people using stupid self-indulging, non-sensical statements is just too damn high... -.-

I will agree with JohnnyCode on this....this Renzo guy is just a troll. Don't try to make sense of his words. He's not pushing logic....just nutty conspiracy theories and he's been doing it for a long time.

I just love how every day is something new with Trump. Australian PM tantrums, fighting with Schwarzenegger...lions and tigers and bears OH MY! Politics have never been so sadly hilarious.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I'm feeling charitable, so nobody is getting banned today. But we're done here.

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