
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago

Here's an "illegal" conspiracy theory:

It features the Soros Reptiloid dude.

Edit: Make sure of smashing your hardrive right after.

You're taking this all wrong.

Nobody denies that powerful/rich people have their goals and use their resources to influence or finance politicians/groups/etc. Of course they do. In fact, I bet you that politicians get similar e-mails from a bazillion different businessmen, each lobbying for their causes.

Your error is that you're trying to find a, more or less, *singular* cause for important historical events, a single "thread" that leads to those "puppeteers".

That's where the "conspiracy" comes from.

It doesn't work like that. Everyone is trying to achieve their goals, using their resources. It's more or less chaotic. There is no "puppeteer". Out of all this boiling pot of the few powerful and the many not-so-powerful-but-numerous people that are all trying to "move the strings" from each possible direction and to each possible direction, emerges the general historical trend. If you are trying to find your place in history based on what emails Hillary is getting, you're gonna get lost in it, my dude.

To think hundreds of thousands of people are out there in the streets because Soros wants them to be there is just silly and lazy thinking. It allows you to not worry about what's really happening around you, but instead always trying to figure out who's the "puppeteer" behind everything. You don't see history, you don't see society, you just see a few individuals just..."running things". You know, oh BLM did not emerge out of the anger of black people towards police brutality, Soros just created it as part of some plan to do this or that or whatever. How convenient and reassuring for us.

I've got to say wikileaks has done a bit of a damage on that front; while it's useful to finally have some stuff exposed, let's not lose the forest for the tree, and obsess about what Soros or the Koch brothers or whoever else is doing.

(Liberals are also guilty of this; instead of turning inwards and do some self-criticizing about their loss, they cry "Russia!". Scapegoats are always so useful! Why admit we've lost connection with the masses when we can just blame Putin?)
Yes, there're well orginized groups of people and there're individual, and in the bigger picture we still have these partisan SHEEPS that get their minds set into the party mentallity, even though they don't even belong to a party. I'm not even negating that there're a lot of groups/influences, and that's just reality. There're also powerful unknown groups too.
There're a lot of groups. And that doesn't mean that the israelite lobby isn't powerful, that it can't exist, or that it's a conspiracy. It exists just like many others. Those exist just like the censorship and manipulation of facebook/twitter/google.
Of course there's no clear direction or master plan, I don't see that as incompatible with what I said.

About Trump and the Saudis, I've not seen clear evidence which could tie him back to Saudi Arabia. I can mostly see yellow press titles. Maybe it's the US weapon trades, maybe it's that Saudi Arabia is a proxy in the middle east.

Of course there's no clear direction or master plan, I don't see that as incompatible with what I said.

It certainly seems you did imply that.

And these so called "biggest female's protests/marches"... just follow the money.

You don't see anything behind those protests besides "Soros' money". You're reading this all wrong. And you're gonna get lost. Tough times ahead.

I know more than you think. Explain me why they were protesting... was it because they can't get an angry muslim patriarchal d*ck? It certainly wasn't because of fetus killing/abortion... Trump's position was clear until the election (he didn't care or even was liberal), and as far I know he can't overrule the current decision of the supreme court.

I've attended a number of protests in the past week. Still waiting for my check from Soros!!!

I'm waiting one from the Kremlin.

Paid protestors, paid organizers, election rigging, etc:

It's all a conspiracy, unless it's russian.


I'm waiting one from the Kremlin.

Paid protestors, paid organizers, election rigging, etc:

It's all a conspiracy, unless it's russian.

According to Russia armed volunteer protestors go to neighbouring countries and attack government buildings. Not soldiers. They steal tanks and long range anti aircraft from the local army.

When it comes to Russia, RT also lies, probably just as much as others do about their "puppeteers". For example they said they hadn't troops in ukraine, even though there was even photos of russian troops with gps data. Hiltlarious. But, in exchange, news (CNN & others), and intelligence agencies (CIA) lied about the constitutionality of the crimean annexation (you can't know how far they went, but intentions were clear).

I know more than you think.

And you know less than you think. If you think some shadowy billionaire is somehow behind all of this, then you don't understand how social media works in this day and age and how quickly a movement can spread purely by word of mouth. Particularly when the folks participating were already inflamed by previous events.

It's like you don't know what emergence is.

Explain me why they were protesting...

Is it so hard to google something before posting?

It certainly wasn't because of fetus killing/abortion... Trump's position was clear until the election (he didn't care or even was liberal),

And Mike Pence's position is just as clear - adamantly opposed to abortion and homosexuality, or at least gay marriage. It isn't just Trump himself, it's the whole of Trump's administration, their campaign rhetoric, and the executive orders that have already been signed. I mean, I thought it was obvious at this point...

@RenzoCoppola: I don't give a shit to defend positions against what's clearly bullshit and conjectures of a deranged and delusional Trump supporter (who doesn't even seem to live in the US anyways). The only thing that you've posted is endless delusional and demented anti Clinton (even though now that she's lost the election it doesn't really matter) and pro Trump rants, not to mention whatever the fuck this is:

They could probably ban christians, and maybe hindus, and buddhists, but they couldn't never ban jews. In fact, jews would get effortless nationality (it doesn't matter if the right or if the left is ruling). Why are we talking about a muslim ban when in fact it's a warzone emigration partial ban?

Didn't Obama stopped giving cubans nationality? I mean, they're steps away, they're living under a dictatorship, and they're also more culture-compatible.

So yea, I'm not about to take you seriously at all.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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