
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago

*composes self*

So... *snigger* it seems that in an official Whitehouse picture *muffled laugh* President Fuck Weasel has had photoshop applied to make his hand look bigger...



*composes self*

So... *snigger* it seems that in an official Whitehouse picture *muffled laugh* President Fuck Weasel has had photoshop applied to make his hand look bigger...


Nice source you've got there. I'm assuming you mean this

While you specifically may not be "shocked", there were a lot of people in the supporter camp who continued to state that things like the wall, etc. were worth ignoring because they were a): not going to happen and/or b): irrelevant because the other 'policies' were so great. I think that Juliean's point is that the reason this all sounded so utterly stupid was because deductively if Trump says he's going to do something as President while campaigning, one can only assume that he damn well meant it.

I was in this camp. Frankly, Trump's proposals sounded too crazy to actually come to fruition in the currentlly extremely partisan Washington environment.

I'm still curious to see how some will be implemented.


Nice source you've got there. I'm assuming you mean this


I said it.. it is true!

That's how it works now...
I hear China has a pre made wall of about the right length that I'm sure they'll export for the right price.

Oh wait...

Fair enough, the verge is pretty bad.

Here's the getty images photo

Here's the one ABC went with

Here's a photo from another angle from a different source

The washington post has a good rundown of what happened

the tl:dr

One source of the confusion appears to be the fact that ABC didn't actually depict the real picture hanging on the White House wall. Although the program features Trump and a journalist looking at that picture, the broadcast cut to an insert of the Getty image itself, not an actual shot of the picture itself.

This is a comparison of the 2 pictures overlayed on each other.

All Fake! So Sad! Dishonest media!

All Fake! So Sad! Dishonest media!

Go home Mr. President, you are drunk.

I hear China has a pre made wall of about the right length that I'm sure they'll export for the right price.
Oh wait...

You might have a problem there...

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

All Fake! So Sad! Dishonest media!

This is actually true.

ABC didn't show the actual photo, they showed a more-clear version of the one Getty took, but played along as if they were looking at the same one Trump/The press were looking at.

Many such cases. SAD!

Yea not as sad as the sheer walking stupidity in the Oval Office...people voted for this guy. SAD!

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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