
Trumps great wall... will it ever happen?

Started by November 09, 2016 03:43 PM
203 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 8 months ago

Withdrawing from TPP, renegotiating nafta, requiring US manufactured steel in building projects, dragging car manufacturers back kicking and screaming... Looks like we're in the timeline where Trump fulfills his promises/does a great job.

The fact that you are still proudly defending the asshole speaks volumes. Withdrawing from TPP was and always will be beyond stupid, regardless of what you and fringe idiots seem to think. There never was any China in this trade deal and was actually far more favorable to the US than against it.

Requiring US manufactured steel? Dragging car manufacturers back kicking and screaming? Yea, got news for you: protectionism doesn't fucking work. It failed miserably in just about every country it was implemented in. Even if manufacturing is done in the US, it's all becoming quickly automated (if it isn't already). What are you going to suggest next? Banning automation? Wouldn't be beyond Trumpian logic imo.

The only thing Trump has proven is his dictatorial tendencies and overall mental inability to be fit to president. He's still fucking arguing about voter fraud when that's demonstrably been proven to be false. Shit, he was still screaming about the attendance of his inauguration.

As I recall, weren't you the one saying he'd reverse on many of his promises? So much for that I suppose. But then again, Trump can do no wrong right?

*Queue media is rigged spin argument and usual Trump bullshit spin*'


Withdrawing from TPP, renegotiating nafta, requiring US manufactured steel in building projects, dragging car manufacturers back kicking and screaming... Looks like we're in the timeline where Trump fulfills his promises/does a great job.

We're also in the timeline where the administration issues gag orders to scientific agencies to prevent them from contradicting the "alternative facts" - much like what the Harper government did up here in Canada, actually. That's... worrying. That kind of thing is what got Harper kicked out of office up here, but will the US be as bothered about that as we were?

The dictatorial tendencies I mentioned. The only thing that his idiot manager Conway is saying is "oh, they're just alternative facts, nobody cares".

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Withdrawing from TPP was and always will be beyond stupid

I think that even Clinton went back a bit with the TPP.

We're also in the timeline where the administration issues gag orders to scientific agencies to prevent them from contradicting the "alternative facts" - much like what the Harper government did up here in Canada, actually. That's... worrying. That kind of thing is what got Harper kicked out of office up here, but will the US be as bothered about that as we were?

They're essentially the exact same gag orders Obama issued when taking over the white house from Bush jr.

I don't really get the reasoning, but every administration seems to do this while they audit the validity of grants.

“I’ve lived through many transitions, and I don’t think this is a story,” said a senior E.P.A. career official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the news media on the matter. “I don’t think it’s fair to call it a gag order. This is standard practice. And the move with regard to the grants, when a new administration comes in, you run things by them before you update the website.”

So no, not worried about that at all yet.

Withdrawing from TPP was and always will be beyond stupid

I'm pretty anti-corporate when it comes to IP laws, which is my biggest gripe with the TPP, but there's a whole bunch of valid criticisms if you go looking.

Requiring US manufactured steel? Dragging car manufacturers back kicking and screaming? Yea, got news for you: protectionism doesn't fucking work. It failed miserably in just about every country it was implemented in.

The problem is we have a new issue with companies simply leaving the USA, doing work where it's cheaper, and then exporting back to the USA's market.

This is a new issue, and only possible because of modernized transportation/distribution. Our choices are to let companies keep going, or give them incentives to stay. Trump's choosing the latter.

Even if manufacturing is done in the US, it's all becoming quickly automated (if it isn't already). What are you going to suggest next? Banning automation? Wouldn't be beyond Trumpian logic imo.

Automation is good. Automated factories in the USA, entrenching our export market is even better.

He's still fucking arguing about voter fraud when that's demonstrably been proven to be false.

CNN is fake news.

Exhibit 1A. CNN reporting voter fraud is possible

Exhibit 2A. CNN reporting voter fraud is impossible

Exhibit 1B

CNN asking Trump to do an investigation to provide proof of vote fraud

Exhibit 2B

CNN angry that Trump's going to investigate voter fraud

Exhibit 3A

CNN's "gigapixel" image they release showing a small trump supporting crowd was actually taken an hour after the speech ended. They claimed it was his full audience.

Note the time in the clock tower (which seems to be accurate). Trump's speech started at 12:00PM, and lasted 17~ minutes.

While it's true he didn't have the viewership Obama pulled in, he certainly beat out the Bush(es).

CNN is objectively fake news, and should be disregarded like any other fringe site like zerohedge/conservativetreehouse.

The only thing concerning me right now about Trump's administration is his choice for the FCC, and a possible impact on net nuetrality.

*EDIT* Also, it looks like Trump's set to receive/sign the hearing protection act during his tenure, which is great for me because my wife has tinnitus, and when we go camping/target shooting I can't shoot anywhere near her, and she needs earplugs + earmuffs. *EDIT*

CNN's "gigapixel" image they release showing a small trump supporting crowd was actually taken an hour after the speech ended.

And what about this one, taken by Reuters at 12:01:18? Or are you just going to claim that Reuters is fake news, now?

Ya know, you can call trump an evil douchebag asshole (because he is), but you've got to give him credit for his commitment to evil douchey assholery.

I mean, building that stupid wall would qualify for evil douchebag asshole status, but paying for it out of aid funds? That's almost raising being a scumbag to an artform.

The only thing concerning me right now about Trump's administration is his choice for the FCC, and a possible impact on net nuetrality.
That and the fact that he's populated his staff with liars, creationist morons, dumbasses who haven't a clue what their dept does and just plain old crooks.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

CNN's "gigapixel" image they release showing a small trump supporting crowd was actually taken an hour after the speech ended.

And what about this one, taken by Reuters at 12:01:18? Or are you just going to claim that Reuters is fake news, now?

No, that one seems to be valid. Likely because Reuters is a legitimate news source unlike CNN.


Requiring US manufactured steel? Dragging car manufacturers back kicking and screaming? Yea, got news for you: protectionism doesn't fucking work. It failed miserably in just about every country it was implemented in.

The problem is we have a new issue with companies simply leaving the USA, doing work where it's cheaper, and then exporting back to the USA's market.

This is a new issue, and only possible because of modernized transportation/distribution. Our choices are to let companies keep going, or give them incentives to stay. Trump's choosing the latte

And forcing them back to the US will only serve to make those products more expensive and most likely lead to retaliation tariffs, leading to inflation.

Even if manufacturing is done in the US, it's all becoming quickly automated (if it isn't already). What are you going to suggest next? Banning automation? Wouldn't be beyond Trumpian logic imo.

Automation is good. Automated factories in the USA, entrenching our export market is even better.

And somehow manufacturing "jobs" are coming to the US? What sort of jobs? Programming the robots maybe? Doesn't seem to be getting the Rust Belt back and working the way Trump sells it.

He's still fucking arguing about voter fraud when that's demonstrably been proven to be false.

CNN is fake news.

Exhibit 1A. CNN reporting voter fraud is possible

Exhibit 2A. CNN reporting voter fraud is impossible

Exhibit 1B

CNN asking Trump to do an investigation to provide proof of vote fraud

Exhibit 2B

CNN angry that Trump's going to investigate voter fraud

Exhibit 3A

CNN's "gigapixel" image they release showing a small trump supporting crowd was actually taken an hour after the speech ended. They claimed it was his full audience.

Note the time in the clock tower (which seems to be accurate). Trump's speech started at 12:00PM, and lasted 17~ minutes.

While it's true he didn't have the viewership Obama pulled in, he certainly beat out the Bush(es).

CNN is objectively fake news, and should be disregarded like any other fringe site like zerohedge/conservativetreehouse.

The only thing concerning me right now about Trump's administration is his choice for the FCC, and a possible impact on net nuetrality.

Yea like I said, the usual media is rigged argument. You are so utterly entrenched in the Trump bullshit, that there's no point. All that'll happen is you'll throw your fringe idiot "correct" sources in our faces. Typical Trump apologist behavior. From the start of the election till now, you've found some fucking stupid justification or some fucking stupid excuse for Trump. The endless bullshit cycle that never seems to end.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

The only thing concerning me right now about Trump's administration is his choice for the FCC, and a possible impact on net nuetrality.

Oh no! The white dude is worried about the FCC choice! What a fucking terrible time to be alive...

Never mind that many thousands of other people are worried/concerned about what President Fuckweasel and his band of Right Wing Nutjobs, Relgious Wackjobs and ex-bankers might do to fuck them up... no... the FCC! The. Fucking. Horror.

Ya know, you can call trump an evil douchebag asshole (because he is), but you've got to give him credit for his commitment to evil douchey assholery.

I mean, building that stupid wall would qualify for evil douchebag asshole status, but paying for it out of aid funds? That's almost raising being a scumbag to an artform.

The only thing concerning me right now about Trump's administration is his choice for the FCC, and a possible impact on net nuetrality.
That and the fact that he's populated his staff with liars, creationist morons, dumbasses who haven't a clue what their dept does and just plain old crooks.

Don't forget that asshole Bannon.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

The only thing concerning me right now about Trump's administration is his choice for the FCC, and a possible impact on net nuetrality.

Oh no! The white dude is worried about the FCC choice! What a fucking terrible time to be alive...

Never mind that many thousands of other people are worried/concerned about what President Fuckweasel and his band of Right Wing Nutjobs, Relgious Wackjobs and ex-bankers might do to fuck them up... no... the FCC! The. Fucking. Horror.

I kinda secretly hope (against my own interests and tastes) that Trump will go and ban violent videogames at some point, listening to his ultra-conservatives, religious advisors.

That's pretty much the only thing that will force some people in his fanbase to see him as a "bad guy" and go "noooo! that's too much!".

It's not like he hasn't tweeted about that too... :D

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