I'd imagine any war in a star-trek style environment would be ended by massive lead spears with solar sails accelerating for hundreds of light years, smashing planets in a single blow. Or saboteurs sneaking/assembling Micro WMD's onto ships/planets. Wouldn't make for a very compelling game.
being limited to sub-light speeds, solar sails would be way too easy to take out.
Star Trek doesn't have a whole lot of WMDs, as i recall, unless you count big black clouds trying to eat the earth type of stuff. i sort of recall some guy with a grain of explosive in his neck that took out about half a ship - but i may be mistaken.
Transporters should be able to screen out any WMDs, holding the offender in stasis in the transporter buffers while the threat is nullified.
So physically carrying a WMD past any security scanners to the target would be the only viable means of delivery.
Kavik Kang:
pick one of your games, and do a pen and paper prototype.
keep the scope as small as possible, just test the core mechanics of your "RUBE" system. here i'm assuming RUBE is a specific type of AI - apparently one that looks ahead and stages things.
i personally prefer robust AI and emergent behavior to "rigging" things but that's neither here nor there. however, a "rigged" AI would possibly be a negative selling point in my book - and perhaps for other players as well. The trick is to make any rigging or cheating not noticeable. And for gods sake don't advertise it! AI that has to resort to cheating is traditionally considered a design flaw, not a feature. FYI i have yet to try X-com's staged battles (written by gamedev member ApochIQ) . i don't know if they are immersion breakers or not. probably not. i had never even heard of staged battles in Xcom until Apoch mentioned it in a post here. knowing Apoch, odds are Xcom gets it right - IE staged, but believable. and yes, combat in decent freespace is a total joke - like flying a shulltecraft. i swear they seem to only fly at about 40 mph! artificially low speeds, artificially high turn rates, different turn rates for different axes of rotation, etc. the "match speed" feature is a dead giveaway that this is not like wing commander, star trek, star wars, battlestar galactica, or any other semi-believable "space fighter" game. and yes, i did a space fighter game too back in the day.
then pick a programming language and do a computerized version of your pen and paper prototype. just the bare bones minimum necessary.
neither the pen and paper or the first computerized prototypes will be used for much more than proof of concept. its possible the first PC prototype could evolve into the first released title.
once you've done that, it should be much clearer what the next step should be (which game, which features, etc to tackle next).
eventually you'll reach "critical mass" where you have enough game and features implemented so that its starting to look like a real game.
if you have zero coding experience and keep the graphics simple, you could get there (critical mass) in 2 years, working on it part/half time.
but its still a long haul from "critical mass" to "gone gold". add 6 months to a year for spit and polish. if you go over a year, creeping featuritis may be an issue.
so if you start now, you could be on steam early access in perhaps a soon as 2-3 years.