I have not at all acted like you are personally attacking me. Not one bit.
Then why spend paragraph after paragraph trying to save face, asserting your authority, and generally acting insulted? :)
I don't have to carry on this line of conversation, either, but believe it or not, I actually WANT to help you fit into the community. As I see it, this is best done by addressing what I see as problems head on, and right now the biggest problem is that you don't accept criticism and are easily sidetracked into reiterating your claims of experience, presumably to save face.
You are speaking too me as though I know nothing of the subject, and you are an expert I should be listening too.
I don't feel I'm doing that - again, all I'm doing is asking questions in a bid to point out what I feel you've missed - but anyone who is reading this thread can tell that you're really bothered by my posts. You behave exactly the same way as other people I've known who were personally insulted by any kind of criticism, so it's a straightforward assumption to make here. I suggest that your generally dismissive attitude towards everyone else's opinions might be the cause of this. ;)
This isn't all in my head, I've had this same conversation for the last 20 years.
You know what they say, if you keep having the same problems with different people, chances are good the problem isn't with them, but with you. Other people with similar levels of experience in the game industry don't have this problem. I know this because I know and have worked with some of them.
I'm still trying to figure out where you feel that if what I say, with 30 years of experience at a very high level of this specific subject, does not "square with what you know" that you feel justified in assuming that I am the one that must be wrong, and you must be right.
If I can come up with trivial counter-examples (which of course you reject) to the things you say (to be specific, that space combat games don't have AIs shooting back and don't have dogfighting and that Artemis wasn't a game and hadn't been released), your experience level has nothing to do with it. If you make a statement that I think I can prove is wrong, I will attempt to do so. Why shouldn't I? Truth does not care about experience and experience is (in my experience!) not a valid measure of competence though it does suggest it. Even the most experienced people can be wrong, and sometimes too much experience with something can actually weigh you down. It can cause you to miss things because your assumptions are so ingrained, or you've become so insular that your knowledge goes out of date. A great many "experienced" people should not be given anything resembling a leadership role.
I occasionally encounter programmers with an attitude like yours - the attitude that because they are older and more experienced than everyone else, that their word is gospel and not to be questioned. A minority of them do prove their worth - but nobody likes them for it, and sometimes these "prima donnas" don't last very long as the morale drop associated with their presence outweighs the extra productivity they bring - or don't bring, if their blustering proves to be all a sham to cover up their own incompetence! Many of us with even a little experience in the industry will have met one or more of the latter. Consequently, I actually respect a person less if they harp on about how much experience they have. It suggests that they're compensating for something.
Don't be that "prima donna." It doesn't matter how right you are if nobody will work with you. If you ever want to work with video game developers - especially programmers - it is a very good idea to completely drop the attitude that being the most experienced person in the room means nobody will question you. Because they will. "Pointy-haired bosses" may prove easily dazzled by self-advertising of the type you continuously do on the forums, but programmers do not respect it (we prefer quiet demonstrations of competence), and your fellow designers will have the vocabulary and experience themselves to point out things that you miss. Don't reject that feedback out of hand!