And I have communicated my ideas quite well in the 800 or so pages all of the documents related to the PDU so far represent.
Yeah, see, when a layman reads Einstein's equations about General Relativity, they go "I can't tell heads or tails of this thing", even if this thing can be used to predict how much light bends around the sun. They can't see the magic things that are embedded in those equations unless someone explains it to them. And, frankly, even the GR equations aren't 800 pages long :).
I'm a graphics programmer. Suppose I give you a 800-page long code listing that I claim is supposed to generate the most awesome real-time renderer in the history of ever. Will you sit down and actually read it, or will you ask of me to show you the thing in motion first, or at least some screenshots, so you know it's worth your time to sit down and read it? How many times have *you* read other people's 800-page long documents without having them show you it's worthwhile to do so?
It's only after the equations were used to predict how much light bends around the sun that the common people went "holy shit, whoa, this guy is a magician", and Einstein became a celebrity.
If you have this magic thing that only a few people can understand how it can generate a great game, you have to show it in action so people can go "whoa, I've never seen a game do that before". What is called "proof of concept". It's shouldn't be a new idea to you. Even the greatest geniuses in the history of the planet, on every field, had ideas that looked great on paper...but end up not working in practice. Frankly, this idea of yours can be great, or it can be totally stupid, and everything in between. The only one vouching for it
As I said, I don't really understand what you're claiming to have here. Is it basically a set of "ultimate play rules", that you can feed any player input into it, and it can generate on the next step(s) a consistent, coherent, interesting and exciting world state? No boring, bogus, illogical, inconsistent, dead-end world states, no matter what you feed into it? Is that it? I mean, yeah, that's a big thing, that is pure gold, considering how after year's work I still can't guarantee that the AI in my indie combat racing game will always result in an exciting game play that keeps you hooked in the screen up until you cross the finish line and go "YEAHHH!". Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I wish it always did. Doesn't happen in reality either. Many football matches are just plain boring. I guess I'd pay..."some" money to someone that could show me how to do that. And you would have your proof of concept. Don't know what else to say.
And just another final note, as everyone has mentioned you show a gargantuan amount of condescension to...basically everyone that isn't you, and especially people in the computer game industry that, let's face it, have built *something* concrete, even if it doesn't compare to what you have in your head(that is, doesn't exist yet, by most people's definition of "exist"). I'm just saying, even if you get a 100-man team, you'll end up having them quitting if you talk to them like that, at least before you actually get your first PC game out, it becomes a global phenom, and you become bigger than Jesus. Then you can have all the arrogance you want :)