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Now What For The UK ?
I am more worried on the value of GBP and Euro regarding to this. Some countries may suffer financial crisis (or worse if they already is) soon cause of the effect, which leads to other problems. Basically the condition becomes unstable cause of this issue, politically, economically, and financially.
If UK wants to leave and followed by other countries that are dominant in EU like Germany, what will Euro be?
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I think Brexit is rather easier as UK wasn't in Schengen or Eurozone and I believe they will make a regulation like Norway if they don't want to make an example for the rest. But this might easily backfire if people see that leaving EU isn't end of the world.
mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden
That is, peanuts and silly laws; all bananas sold in the UK must be a regulation straightness. By order of the EU.
No vacuum cleaner maybe sold in EU over a certain wattage leading to difficulty cleaning pet hairs. Thanks EU.
Criminals in our country wanted in their home country have the right to avoid deportation by abusing the EU human rights act. Thanks again.
Money will be wasted on conferences, limos, caviar and champagne in Brussels.
There's lots more silly wasting of money and it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Not all dislike of the EU is about immigration...
Edit: source; http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/586742/European-Union-barmy-decisions-rules-regulations-Britain-EU
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