
Now What For The UK ?

Started by June 24, 2016 04:21 AM
104 comments, last by ApochPiQ 8 years, 3 months ago

A rise of nationalism in Europe must be a good thing right? *thinks back to last century*

Although truth be told, everything else aside the EU imo isn't the best functioning entity in the world. Again, imo, the EU strongly resembles a confederacy, which historically have never really been successful. Brexit in the short term will cause turmoil, simply because it's upsetting an the status quo, but England isn't exactly some backwater, so I'm sure they'll come out alright.

That being said though, the rising tides of nationalism are a bit disconcerting.

UK != Britain != England.

Link for people who are unsure (I'm certainly not sure about the status of every other country/group of countries):

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Fucking idiots. A campaign based on racism, fear and ignorance.

It was based on democracy and independence. People didn't like Merkel telling them what to do. It's not that 51% of the country's racist...

Unfortunately... no.. it wasn't really.

There was a LOT of fear mongering and dishonesty (for example, see £350m/week BS) on both sides, with a health dose of 'immigrants are the problem' thrown in... it was not a campaign based on facts or balanced arguments.

Fear mongering, mob mentality, and dishonesty has been a hallmark of democracy for a long time, even since the ancient Greek city-states.

Saying it was fear mongering doesn't exclude it from being democratic. If anything, it's a good indicator it was democratic. :lol:


I struggle to see any positive side to this result, it's more a question of how terrible it will turn out to be.

Wait until Merkel gives away visa-free travel to 75 million Turks. Then you'll thank Nigel on your knees...

Is there a particular reason why? Or is this just racism and fearmongering? Bear in mind I actually live in an area which has quite a large number of turkish immigrants.

And how is that working out for where you live? All those Turkish immigrants do, is maybe open a Kebab or Doner shop, or else collect welfare. Their women don't work, and their children terrorize schools and neighborhoods...

Working out very well where I am in Canada. We have several long running and highly popular restaurants run by very hard working families from that region. I've found the immigrants from around there to be very productive members of local society, and are active in a wide range of industries. Their families are polite and friendly, and host wonderful dinner parties.

Apples and Oranges. How many millions of Turks and Moroccans does Canada have to deal with? How many mosques? Separated train wagons / swimming hours for men and women? Just because those b*stards can't keep their hands to themselves...

Chinese/Indian restaurants are all the rage. Most foreigners are well liked. They don't cause trouble. It's the muslims.

Considering number of "Turkey Turks" are around 50K-100K and a total of Turks in 60M+ UK is mere 400K-450K including Cypriot ones, what millions of Turks? Why do you include Moroccans who are only Muslim in common with Turks to make it look like a real issue?

Just FYI, Turks are mostly in Germany (some 2.x - 3M) because they went there as Gastarbeiter (Guest workers) in post-WW2 and generations settled there, UK isn't even a popular destination beside for Cypriot ones (that you incentivize like Commonwealth members)

And for "its the muslims, you know lad" thing, it is plain stupid for a country even allowing Sharia courts mentioning this.

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

Keep your bigotry to yourselves, folks. There will be no further warnings.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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I never said I was talking about the UK.

16 y/o German girl talks about muslim immigration, destruction of her own country (Engl. subs)

Does Angela Merkel Want To Destroy Germany? | European Migrant Crisis

Are you sure you watched these two videos?

People are terrified of refugees and recent immigrants , neither of them are Turks. At GD, you can find several posts that I am criticizing Europeans due to being complete moron when choosing who to harbor and allow wrong parties to prosper.

No need to remind that Turkey now harbors over 3 millions of refugees, yet still being party of ridiculous claims that is pumped all over Europe.

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden


A rise of nationalism in Europe must be a good thing right? *thinks back to last century*

Although truth be told, everything else aside the EU imo isn't the best functioning entity in the world. Again, imo, the EU strongly resembles a confederacy, which historically have never really been successful. Brexit in the short term will cause turmoil, simply because it's upsetting an the status quo, but England isn't exactly some backwater, so I'm sure they'll come out alright.

That being said though, the rising tides of nationalism are a bit disconcerting.

UK != Britain != England.

Link for people who are unsure (I'm certainly not sure about the status of every other country/group of countries):

Regardless, point still stands.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

what now? if you can, get an Irish passport or you'll be a prisoner to the elite from now on. I think they've conned them all into relinquishing their right to relocate to Europe. If you thought it was bad before (when actually it was pretty good) ... wait till you see the future.

I recently emigrated to the Netherlands and I will be getting an Irish passport asap.

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