If they're allowing Wahhabi clerics to redicalize people and help them get into Syria/Iraq, are they a worthwhile ally in their current state?
And no, the point won't be to try and predict who will become a radical cleric in the future, just kill them as they appear, make it a public policy, and hope the next ones in line are less radical. Repeat until there's no more radicals left to fill the void.
There's really not many living clerics in the world, and only a few are a problem
Most of the problem ones are in Saudi Arabia/Pakistan.
Well, okay, then go on, declare war on Saudi Arabia... because when you send kill squads into their territory, that is actually what you are doing. Stronk foreign politics, I have to say.
Is it a good thing that Saudi Arabia is not putting this clerics in check? No, not for the US or the west. Can you force them to do that? Well, yes you can. But a) you need to work WITH Saudi Arabia and not AGAINST them (sending in the kill squads to do their job is NOT working with them), and you b) need to understand the local interest and politics of Saudi Arabia that makes the Saudi Arabian regime tolerate the radicals in the first place.
And if you want to go for the final cookie points, think before you act (unlike what was done before invading Iraq)... maybe meddling there will wake an even worse evil? Maybe the last thing you want is more open involvement by the US?
Acting even more aggressive and careless will not solve this or any other conflict.
Just to clear something up: the algorithm thing was me being sarcastic, that is a thing in the Captain America movie. Yeah, sarcasm tags would help :)
Just to make sure everyone is getting what I was implying through my sarcastic comments about the Movie: the whole idea to send Kill squads to other countries to kill enemies of the US without having to answer to ANY international authority equals to what Hydra is trying to achieve in that movie... world domination.