
Islamaphobia in the United States

Started by April 19, 2016 07:59 PM
256 comments, last by warhound 8 years, 8 months ago

It might be too late for France and Sweden to avoid being Islamized. I believe that Belgium and The Netherlands are too late to stop it. Other nations will become too late in the next 20 years, including Britain, Germany, Norway, and Denmark.

Well... I think that's a bit extreme. I mean, if it gets to the point where a country is on the brink of actually being Islamicized, I'd imagine far-right groups would be elected to deal with the issue VIA deportations/banning immigrants. Look at how well the National Front did in France's elections.

Islam is Far Right and excessively tolerant Far Left which dominates universities, media, and government welcomes the invasion. Islamists are happy to come for the very generous social welfare programs so they can have large families with their high birthrate. This is how the West is being lost.

Being a patriot, which is loyal to one's own nation, is not Far Right. National Front is actually Left in most of its positions.

These days, every loyalist is called Far Right, bigot, Nazi, and every other false name which the Far Left can imagine.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer


While I see at least some validity to your points, I believe that there's a political tipping point where after a certain ammount of Islamicization there will be a very large backlash that elects an opposing government.

I'm not aware of any historical democracies which have been Islamicized through immigration, and I wouldn't expect that trend to start.

Demographics are concealed by the Old Media.

For example, most of North Africa and The Middle East were at one time a part of Classical Civilization. These were remnants of Greek and Roman civilizations. They often had democratic city states.

In the 600s, Muhammad instigated a new imperialistic civilization which we now call Islam. His clear command was that "Muslims" expand in every direction and take every country which they enter by migration, high birthrate, trickery (Taqiyya), politics, and warfare. The ultimate goal of Islam has always been to establish a worldwide emperor called The Last Caliph. Therefore, Islam is Far Right.

The early Islamists were mostly Arabic. They militarized rapidly and caught Classic Civilization by surprise. Contrary to popular belief and that told by lying professors in universities, The Dark Ages were NOT caused by the fall of The Roman Empire but by Europe being strangled as Islam cut most of its trade routes (thru the whole Mediterranean / North Africa, Middle East area). Primitive democracy leaning systems in the path of Islam all fell in The Middle East and North Africa.

Excessive tolerance and weak moral constitution have proven to be self-defeating when faced against the march of Islam.

Dr. Bill Warner - PhD. The Defensive Nature of The Crusades vs Imperialistic Islam:

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

Demographics are concealed by the Old Media.

For example, most of North Africa and The Middle East were at one time a part of Classical Civilization. These were remnants of Greek and Roman civilizations. They often had democratic city states.

In the 600s, Muhammad instigated a new imperialistic civilization which we now call Islam. His clear command was that "Muslims" expand in every direction and take every country which they enter by migration, high birthrate, trickery (Taqiyya), politics, and warfare. The ultimate goal of Islam has always been to establish a worldwide emperor called The Last Caliph. Therefore, Islam is Far Right.

The early Islamists were mostly Arabic. They militarized rapidly and caught Classic Civilization by surprise. Contrary to popular belief and that told by lying professors in universities, The Dark Ages were NOT caused by the fall of The Roman Empire but by Europe being strangled as Islam cut most of its trade routes (thru the whole Mediterranean / North Africa, Middle East area). Primitive democracy leaning systems in the path of Islam all fell in The Middle East and North Africa.

Excessive tolerance and weak moral constitution have proven to be self-defeating when faced against the march of Islam.

Dr. Bill Warner - PhD. The Defensive Nature of The Crusades vs Imperialistic Islam:

And you have all the makings of a xenophobe.

Limiting immigration from a country like Syria is one thing which I think that a lot of people are wiling to say sure that makes sense, even if they don't agree with it. Expand background checks? Yea, that makes sense too, I mean we don't normally let in criminals anyways right? I'm don't see anything wrong with these sort of things. If someone told me let's pick and choose who we let through from places like Iraq and Syria really carefully (perhaps even cutoff immigration) I can see why someone wants to do that and how someone does that.

Blanket bans on Muslims? Not only is that basically impossible to completely achieve, it's also not what we stand for here in the West, as far as I know and understand. Extreme solutions are only going to lead to more problems, kind of like how this problem started with arming Jihadis in Soviet Afghanistan.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I live in multicultural USA and I am a patriot, so to say that I am a xenophobe is obviously false. Such folly is self-evident. The Far Left likes to put the false labels upon patriots.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer


I live in multicultural USA and I am a patriot, so to say that I am a xenophobe is obviously false. Such folly is self-evident.

No, it really isn't. It's perfectly possible to be a patriot AND a xenophobe. It's even possible to support multiculturalism and be xenophobic.

Xenophobia is by definition a fear of outsiders. Therefore, if you express a fear of outsiders - especially a specific group of outsiders - then you are expressing a xenophobic view. Believing in xenophobic views and making those views part of your identity makes you a xenophobe.

I live in multicultural USA and I am a patriot, so to say that I am a xenophobe is obviously false. Such folly is self-evident. The Far Left likes to put the false labels upon patriots.

Why are you capitalising "Far Left"?

Honestly, it's pretty hard to take you seriously. I'm not actually sure you're not a Poe.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

The Far Left dominates universities ( in general ) in Western Nations. Those institutionalized "safe spaces" for Cultural Marxism make the Far Left leaders of the West. Marxism points of ideology are obvious in education, media, and government. Third Wave Feminism is an offshoot of Marxism, particularly Cultural Marxism. This is the "Long March" of Marxism through the institutions of Western Civilization. Marxism failed to bring to the West a Workers Revolution like in the Soviet Union and China during the early to middle 1900s, so the clever Marxism version of Global Supremacists invented Cultural Marxism, designed to make The Long March thru the corridors of western establishments.

Capitalists often love the idea of unrestricted MASS immigration and NO Borders because it brings ever cheaper labor pouring into the West. The Far Left loves it because it undermines Western Values which traditionally have opposed Marxism ideals. On this point of MASS immigration, the Capitalists and the Marxists are in allegiance to transform the West toward being a part of an eventual single worldwide government of The New World Order.

There are many problems with their alliance. National constitutions which protect freedoms and preserve regional self-determination are under attack by them. Frankly, they want to kill nationhood. They want to impose a "one size fits all" set of values which they will determine for the populations of the world in their arrogance. Added to this Islam exploits their weakness to colonize many parts of the world on a gigantic scale with the high birthrates of Islamists in the preferred target nations.

I conclude this little essay by saying that Capitalists and Marxists have some important things in common upon which they are allied. In this sense, the Global Capitalists are solidly against nationhood and are on The Left on many of the most important issues which impact Western Civilization. This is ironic because ultimately the Marxists want to destroy capitalism. Islam has the goal to overcome everything.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

I'm suffering from a major case of inverse Poe's law reading this last page.

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