
Week of Awesome III - The competition Thread

Started by August 10, 2015 04:00 AM
282 comments, last by Orymus3 9 years, 2 months ago

While programming today ideas were flowing in my mind and I got very excited but I tried to come back to reality by realizing that is not enough time to implement all my crazy ideas.

Day 3 will be a very important day because I will start to implement some enemy placement, logic and projectile collision detection, is a decisive day because I will find out if I'm able to implement my gameplay idea.

Reminds me a lot of Ghost and Goblins style game. I like the lighting better on your version though it is a lot easier to see so far. The parallax effect is spot on.

Alright, finally caught up on everyone! it's looking pretty good so far, and many of you are coming together with some great idea's from the sounds of it!
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Just did an update on our progress at:

We did a quick build to test the menu system and also play with the AI system in this post. Nothing big but it is a small mile stone for us to have it at least allow some semblance of networking.

Yeah, I just gave in to the fugly splash screen in the end. If you're going to release your game elsewhere, just remove it after the competition is over.

Also, third journal post:

End of day 2 for me.

Real life is proving to be a big drain on my productivity. As is Scala, there are so many symbolic operators that it's tough to remember them all - who even knows what the correct way to append to a seq/list/vector/whatever is?!

The Scala IDE (based on Eclipse) hasn't been too impressive so far either, it complains about phantom compiler errors that don't exist, refactoring operations easily confuse it such that I have to restart and "auto-complete" is oftentimes not automatic, nor complete. I use Eclipse for Java at work and that works like a dream.

In any case I have so far got the splashscreen showing for 3 seconds at startup, and level-loading and map rendering going on:


.... Ok, so it doesn't look like much right now, but there's more going on there than meets the eye.

I'm toying with naming my game "The Road to Awe" as a nod to Clint Mansell's 'Death is the road to awe' musical score (for the film 'The Fountain').

The basic premise of my game is that each time you die the world changes in some way, thereby allowing you to progress through the game a little further each time. I haven't got all the specifics pinned down yet and, actually, if my current pace doesn't increase then I might not totally realise my current vision of the game, but we shall see!

Screenshots from other contestants are looking mighty impressive. Keep up the good work guys!

Journal entry for day 2 -- includes a pretty picture!

Hello to all my stalkers.


Day 1 and 2 entries here:

First time using unity, so some things are harder than it feels they should be but I'm really enjoying it.

I have the very base of my idea in place, which is nice, will have to start building on it soon and deciding how I'm going to deal with any levels.

1st and 2nd day journal entry.
I cover why I won't be able to deliver much this year (sorry!) but what I've decided to do to deliver SOMETHING.

You jerk! You told me you weren't competing this year. I just worked up my official not competing post! >.<

- Eck

EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG

It's about half-past five in the morning here, and while that's not all that late to my somewhat-nocturnal tendencies, I didn't get much sleep last night, and so am exhausted! I didn't manage to get as much done as I'd hoped, and don't yet have a prototype out, but I did at least settle at last on a concept. I describe the game and my plans (and provide a rather basic screenshot) in the blog-entry below:

WoAIII: Your Power is Mine!

I'm a little behind on journal responses, but I fear that I'll leave those for the new day! I have a little more to be done tonight, and then I think that I have some passing out to do...


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Here are my journal entries so far.

Game Idea:

Day 1:

Day 2:

I've got enemies you can shoot, skeletons you can create from their bodies, and then they all fight each other.


Radiant Verge is a Turn-Based Tactical RPG where your movement determines which abilities you can use.

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