
Week of Awesome III - The competition Thread

Started by August 10, 2015 04:00 AM
282 comments, last by Orymus3 9 years, 2 months ago

I receive exception when I try to run your game on Windows 8.1 64 bits:

Heh, that's funny. That error is a warning when it is compiled for my graphics card. Do you have an nVidia card by any chance? Anyway, I fixed the errors/warnings in the shaders.

New download link:

By the way, your game looks very good. The way the protagonist shoots reminds me a lot of Megaman.

Heh, that's funny. That error is a warning when it is compiled for my graphics card. Do you have an nVidia card by any chance? Anyway, I fixed the errors/warnings in the shaders.

I have an nVIDIA GeForce 780 Ti video card, I receive a different error for version 0.0.2:

Error occured on version 0.0.2 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 662, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 648, in run
  File "E:\Projects\weekofawesomeiii\build\pyi.win32\adad\out00-PYZ.pyz\", line 131, in mainLoop
  File "<string>", line 638, in render
  File "<string>", line 365, in render
  File "E:\Projects\weekofawesomeiii\build\pyi.win32\adad\out00-PYZ.pyz\snowy.program", line 256, in updateUniforms
  File "E:\Projects\weekofawesomeiii\build\pyi.win32\adad\out00-PYZ.pyz\snowy.program", line 241, in setUniform
  File "E:\Projects\weekofawesomeiii\build\pyi.win32\adad\out00-PYZ.pyz\", line 46, in __call__
Exception: OpenGL error 1282


Gratz on getting a playable demo out so quickly!

Runs perfectly on my PC (Win10 with AMD gfx card).

No audio for me, but then I don't see any in the assets folder either :-)

Keep it up!

I have an nVIDIA GeForce 780 Ti video card, I receive a different error for version 0.0.2:

Oh that's unfortunate, that seems to be the generic "invalid arguments" error. I will check with a friend of mine tomorrow, he has a graphics card similar to yours.

Runs perfectly on my PC (Win10 with AMD gfx card).
No audio for me, but then I don't see any in the assets folder either :-)

Good to hear that. Seems the game only works on AMD graphics cards right now. There is indeed no audio yet. I will get to that in the next few days.

I receive exception when I try to run your game on Windows 8.1 64 bits:

Heh, that's funny. That error is a warning when it is compiled for my graphics card. Do you have an nVidia card by any chance? Anyway, I fixed the errors/warnings in the shaders.

New download link:

By the way, your game looks very good. The way the protagonist shoots reminds me a lot of Megaman.

works for me win 10, amd r290. controls are decent. but i'd recommend moving the tombstone that tells you how to reclaim your bodys back a bit, as i ran right into the spikes and coudn't jump over the larger tombstone until i figured out how to reclaim my body.

folks are starting to pull there games together now, it's beginning to look real good now!
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

End of day 3 for me, Had a big setback :(

Here's my journal entry

Seeing/Reading all the work going on and the (alpha) test builds is very inspiring!

Due to the amount of work for you judges, Would it be an idea to give each judge a small amount out of the prize money or something as a show of appreciation?


Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.


Everyone seems to be making good progress, seeing people put up initial builds for playing is putting the pressure on. Its only been three days!

Here is my 3rd day journal entry:

Looks like there is quite a bit of variety!

Its only been three days!

It's been three days already! T-T


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Day three blog post:

Had to switch from 2D to 3D which took time, makes enemy movement much easier though so it's worth it.

Not sure where to go next and there isn't much time, eek!

Journal entry for day 3:

Hello to all my stalkers.

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