
Week of Awesome III - The competition Thread

Started by August 10, 2015 04:00 AM
282 comments, last by Orymus3 9 years, 2 months ago

Placing the link to my game here:

This is for windows. Tested on 7 and 8.1

Here is the readme:

And my day 7 post.

2 hours remain folks!
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Here's a build. This might not be the last, because I might try to get an extra level in.

Posting it as a .zip is OK, right? If not, please let me know (with haste, since there are only two hours left, ha).

Unfortunately, there's only a short tutorial level and another level, so there isn't a whole lot of content just yet.

The controls are explained a bit in the tutorial, but it's not necessarily as extensive as I'd like it to be, so here they are again:

Control Scheme 1:

WASD to move and aim, J to jump, K to fire, L to fire soul blast, Space to dash

Control Scheme 2:

Arrow keys to move and aim, Z to jump, X to fire, C to fire soul blast, Space to dash

Press R to restart the level; if the unspeakable happens and you end up falling off the map (it shouldn't happen), this should get you out of it.

The goal is to slay all of the 'demons' in each scene, and to use the souls of humans to help. Three souls can be paid for a soul blast, which hits up to 6 entities (humans and demons alike), and deals double the damage of a normal shot.

Alternatively, it might be wiser to save your souls up; every 2 seconds, you heal 1% of your health for each soul you have.

Your souls are visible under the health bar in the top-left corner of the screen.

Souls on the ground will turn red over time, and once they're fully red, they'll turn into demons; if you aren't careful, you'll have a horde of demons on your hands.


Lots of problems on uploading, but I think that's all ok now!

Oh man, my game is so short tongue.png. I had hoped I could get more in, but alas, one and a half day only gets so much done. The name is kinda funny, but oh well tongue.png. I've attached it to this post, but you can also download it here.

Playing a text based game is actually way more fun than I had imagined, I'm probably biased but I sure did enjoy the experience. It's actually pretty difficult coming up with a good story and being able to describe it in detail, it also takes a ton of time getting all the text right. But I digress, it's 4:18AM here and I should be hitting the sack.

Good luck to everyone still trying to get their things in order. It's been great doing this again smile.png.

Hm.. well i dont think we will be able to finish the build in time. Going on 2 hours now and we are less than half done. I am praying, but I cant promise shit.... *watches the progress bar destory his dreams of winning*, this is when you need a christmas miracle.

Hello guys,
We ended the last day, we look forward to receiving feedback from you. This week was long, hard work to deliver a crazy idea we had at start of the competition, but we are really proud of our game despite the challenges that were presented during its development. Some good ideas were set aside and some bugs bothered us.

The player will control Adonis, a man with a gigantic dream, he is a worshiper of Hermes and his prayer he claims that his opportunity is created. So Hermes decides to answer, he will give a gift to Adonis that will change his fate, but must accept his death to accomplish the task. Now our hero accepts the challenge with its clear goal in your mind, but now in the underworld he can project his soul and overcome various barriers. When the player design the soul of the character he can teleport to a future point across multiple platforms also can use the platform in your favor as reflect your image to achieve your goal in another map point. Finally Adonis will have to redeem the souls of great warriors who are lost in the hands of Ades thus his death will not be forgotten and his name will be remembered for eternity.
You can see more about developing in this link below:
This is the preferred build, standalone Windows x86:
And this is the web player build (Does not work on chrome or edge):

This is the preferred build, standalone Windows x86:

Getting a 404 error when accessing that link.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

our game ready to play, the game is a pretty puzzling puzzle :D

GAME DL to play in your browser.

Play in your browser.

and my journal I will update it tomorrow

known bug in my game, apparently turning distorts the colliders so you might eat food without moving over it, if it is in the general area when you turn. Got 50 minutes to fix, but dunno if I can in time.

Also in one of my journals I stated that I made music for my game, that is true, but it is not in game, the export outta LMMS for some reason really changed the sound, and so I found out something is messing up the playback in LMMS (I opened other peoples free files and had the same problem) and the true sound is played after export. So notes now sounded off and terrible, I tried recording straight from my speakers but there is too much static in the background. I am now using a music clip I had made for another game of mine a while back.

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