
Can you boil eggs and pasta at the same time?

Started by March 24, 2015 02:38 PM
49 comments, last by fastcall22 9 years, 6 months ago

Also I like hard-boiled eggs in the microwave <troll> just set it to 6 minutes and walk away </troll> but beware the two-headed squirrel.

When I was a student, I used my toaster as a grill for meats.

One beefsteak + Toaster bag + 1 Min in toaster = No dishes grilled beefsteak

Seriously? I can barely get toasted bread out of a toaster in a minute flat. I bet you could still taste the moo.

Now, I like my stake cooked to about danger-zone-rare, personally, where it touches a hot grill just long enough to make small-talk with the flames, but your toaster trick sounds just this side of steak tartare (Which, BTW, is also delicious, but should really only be done with high-quality meat).

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");


omg ty, very informative

Mobile Developer at PawPrint Games ltd.

(Not "mobile" as in I move around a lot, but as in phones, mobile phone developer)

(Although I am mobile. no, not as in a babies mobile, I move from place to place)

(Not "place" as in fish, but location.)


And eggs are not cleaned, because that would make it easier for salmonella to get in.

Huh. Actually, it appears to be different in the States than in the EU -- in the US, the FDA mandates that eggs on store shelves be cleaned and sanitized, but in the EU its mandated that they *not* be washed. Never knew. Here's a Forbe's article that talks about it. They don't mention anything about Salmonella getting in though.

However, it is true that the natural coating on an egg prevents it from going bad so quickly. You can actually coat your store-bought eggs in an oil that won't spoil (like a food-grade mineral oil) to seal the pores in the eggshell back up like the natural coating would. In this state, you can actually store eggs unrefrigerated in a cool, dark place for several months without them spoiling.

Another random egg-fact is that you should store them pointy-end down, this also helps your eggs keep longer (cleaned or coated) -- I believe it has something to do with relieving pressure on the yolk.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

They don't mention anything about Salmonella getting in though.

I just read the article and they actually do mention it twice.

Its new for me that on the other side of the ocean they risk washing them and that many more eggs are infected with salmonella there. One more thing I would not eat if ever visiting the US then.

In fact, 1 min was enough, full power, red inside and hot outside.
For bigger pieces of meal, I grilled them two times instead of one.

You guys bother to cook pasta before you eat it?


They don't mention anything about Salmonella getting in though.

I just read the article and they actually do mention it twice.

Its new for me that on the other side of the ocean they risk washing them and that many more eggs are infected with salmonella there. One more thing I would not eat if ever visiting the US then.

I see one mention now, not sure why I missed it in Ctrl+F before.

Anyways, Salmonella poisoning isn't really much of a big deal here as far as I can tell. It makes overblown headlines from time to time, but I've never known anyone to have suffered from it, or even heard of a friend-of-a-friend being affected. Its an elevated risk from what you're used to, I guess, but I don't think its achieved imminent threat status. I eat fried eggs with runny yolk and/or runny/just-set whites fairly frequently myself -- its only anecdotal, but I've never had a problem.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

If you cook your eggs in the dish washer, be sure to put enough dishwasher salt in. Otherwise you will get hard boiled eggs.


Eggs would get smashed in the washing machine.

Ever heard of pillows?

EDIT: never, ever, ever tumble dry eggs.

It is typically safe unless you use hairspray.

You’ll have less numeric drift, and your condiments won’t be cold.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

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