My turn to disagree.
Me allowing a player to save any time, any where does not affect the player's experience. I'm with Paul on this one, whatever OPTIONS (make sure you understand the meaning of that word before proceeding) I include in my game, it's the PLAYER who chooses to use them. Or not. And it bears repeating: I'm talking options. As in things that are OPTIONAL.
The players are tailoring their experience through use of the options I've given them. All the way from macro options like Save Anywhere Anytime and allowable screen resolutions down to micro options dealing with Inventory, Combat, Crafting, etc.
And me adding the ability to save anytime/anywhere isn't catering to a whim. It's simply providing an option. It doesn't in any way force a player to use it. If I fail elsewhere in my design such that the option is generally recognized as the only way to accomplish some in-game goal, then yeah. That's wrong. But the simple act of coding in more options...I don't see that as a bad thing. I want every potential player of my game to be able to play the game how THEY want to play it.
Again, if I want them to play it a certain way isn't it better to offer them rewards for doing so instead of flat out disallowing it? Or worse (IMHO) punishing them for it?
But now let me apologize. I kind've went off on a tangent to your original idea. Like another poster I was led astray by the Title of the thread. Let me remedy that at once by attempting to respond to your idea, if I'm getting this right, that non-game-ending failure should be an option.
I love it. It strikes a chord with my own desire to implement as many gameplay options as possible. Why should the game end because a player lost a battle? After playing through many levels in RTS games (e.g., Warcraft III) I've been left wanting for a level design that didn't force me to restart when I "lost the mission". Why can't I recoup my losses and attempt to accomplish my goal through another method or strategy? That would entail a lot more work on the part of the game designer no doubt, but it would absolutely be worth it. The idea of a beaten player being enslaved by their captor, or imprisoned...the possibilities are exciting.
[quote name='PyroDragn']
If we allowed quicksaving and quickloading in D3, then you could have the hardcore players, playing through, only saving seldomly, restarting entire levels if/when they die, and eventually getting a reward out of it.
I apologize. If you understood me thusly I came across the wrong way. Put simply I meant EXACTLY how Diablo did it. If I chose Hardcore more I would NOT be allowed to save and if I died my character would be wiped but game rewards would be boosted/enhanced. If I chose Easy mode I would be allowed to save any time/any where but game rewards would be scaled way down from Hardcore.
Awesome discussion!
Take care.